packages_list <- c ( 'ggplot2' ,
'ggalt' ,
'gridExtra' ,
'scales' ,
'grid' ,
'lattice' ,
'ggthemes' ,
'extrafont' ,
'plotly' ,
'plyr' ,
'leaflet' ,
for ( i in packages_list ){
if ( ! i %in% installed.packages ()){
install.packages ( i , dependencies = TRUE , repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org" )
library ( i , character.only = TRUE )
print ( paste0 ( i , ' has been installed' ))
} else {
print ( paste0 ( i , ' is already installed' ))
library ( i , character.only = TRUE )
data <- read.csv ( 'data_output/listings_clean.csv' )
str ( data )
data $ host_name <- as.character ( data $ host_name )
# We used the colors of the Airbnb logo for our charts.
color1 = rgb ( 255 / 255 , 90 / 255 , 96 / 255 , 1 )
color2 = 'white'
color3 = 'black'
color4 = rgb ( 90 / 255 , 101 / 255 , 255 / 255 , 1 )
font1 = 'Impact'
font2 = 'Trebuchet MS'
spacing < -15
png ( filename = "plots/review_scores_rating.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 )
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ review_scores_rating )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 2 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 40 , 100 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma , limits = c ( 0 , 3000 )) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.2 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Review Scores Rating" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
dev.off ()
png ( filename = "plots/number_reviews.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ number_of_reviews )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 5 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 300 ) + ylim ( 0 , 500 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Number of Reviews" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
dev.off ()
png ( filename = "plots/price_2_nights_2_people.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ price_two_nights_two_people )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 5 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 25 , 140 ) + ylim ( 0 , 150 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.2 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Price for 2 nights for 2 guests" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
dev.off ()
png ( filename = "plots/beds.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ beds )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 , breaks = seq ( 0 , 4 , by = 1 ),
aes ( fill = color1 ), fill = color1 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 )) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma )
grid.text ( unit ( 0.7 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Beds" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
dev.off ()
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ accommodates )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 , breaks = seq ( 0 , 9 , by = 1 ),
aes ( fill = color1 ), fill = color1 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 )) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma )
grid.text ( unit ( 0.7 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Accomodates" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ bathrooms )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 , breaks = seq ( 0 , 4 , by = 1 ),
aes ( fill = color1 ), fill = color1 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 )) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma )
grid.text ( unit ( 0.7 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Bathrooms" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ host_total_listings_count )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 , breaks = seq ( 0 , 6 , by = 1 ),
aes ( fill = color1 ), fill = color1 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 )) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma )
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Host's Total Listings" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ price )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 10 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 600 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 )) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma )
grid.text ( unit ( 0.7 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Price" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ weekly_price )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 10 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 400 ) + ylim ( 0 , 300 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.2 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Weekly Price" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ monthly_price )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 10 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 380 ) + ylim ( 0 , 140 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Monthly Price" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ security_deposit )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 3 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 180 ) + ylim ( 0 , 140 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.2 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Security Deposit" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ cleaning_fee )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 10 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 380 ) + ylim ( 0 , 150 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Cleaning Fee" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ minimum_nights )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 5 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 100 ) + ylim ( 0 , 150 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Minimum Nights" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ maximum_nights )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 5 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 26 , 200 ) + ylim ( 0 , 130 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Maximum Nights" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ availability_30 )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 2 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 35 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma , limits = c ( 0 , 1500 )) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Availability 30" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ availability_60 )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 2 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 70 ) + ylim ( 0 , 800 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Availability 60" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ availability_90 )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 2 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 100 ) + ylim ( 0 , 660 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Availability 90" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ availability_365 )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 2 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 200 ) + ylim ( 0 , 550 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Availability 365" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ reviews_per_month )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 1 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 7 , 15 ) + ylim ( 0 , 50 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.6 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Reviews per Month" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ review_scores_accuracy )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 1 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 8 ) + ylim ( 0 , 100 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.2 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Review Scores Accuracy" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ review_scores_cleanliness )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 1 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 6 ) + ylim ( 0 , 40 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.1 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Review Scores Cleanliness" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ review_scores_checkin )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 1 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 6.5 ) + ylim ( 0 , 21 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.1 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Review Scores Check-In" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ review_scores_communication )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 1 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 6.5 ) + ylim ( 0 , 21 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.45 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Review Scores Communication" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 ))
ggplot ( data = data , aes ( data $ review_scores_location )) +
geom_histogram ( col = color1 ,
aes ( fill = color1 ), binwidth = 1 , fill = color1 ) +
xlim ( 0 , 6.5 ) + ylim ( 0 , 10 ) +
theme_tufte ( base_size = 5 , ticks = F ) +
theme ( plot.margin = unit ( c ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ), 'pt' ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_text ( colour = color3 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x = element_text ( hjust = 1 , size = 10 , family = font2 ),
legend.position = 'None' ,
plot.background = element_rect ( fill = color2 , color = color2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.1 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Review Scores Location" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
png ( filename = "plots/price_number_reviews.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data , aes ( data $ price , data $ number_of_reviews , color = color1 )) +
geom_point ( shape = 16 , size = 1 , show.legend = FALSE ) +
scale_x_continuous ( labels = comma , limits = c ( 0 , 600 )) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma , limits = c ( 0 , 300 )) +
theme_tufte () + labs ( x = "Price" , y = 'Number of Reviews' ) +
theme ( axis.ticks = element_blank (),
axis.text.y.left = element_text ( hjust = 1.5 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x.bottom = element_text ( vjust = 5 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.5 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Price and Number of Reviews" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
dev.off ()
png ( filename = "plots/price_review_scores_rating.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data , aes ( data $ price , data $ review_scores_rating , color = color1 )) +
geom_point ( shape = 16 , size = 1 , show.legend = FALSE ) +
ylim ( 40 , 100 ) + scale_x_continuous ( labels = comma , limits = c ( 0 , 1000 )) +
theme_tufte () + labs ( x = "Price" , y = 'Review Scores Rating' ) +
theme ( axis.ticks = element_blank (),
axis.text.y.left = element_text ( hjust = 1.5 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x.bottom = element_text ( vjust = 5 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.55 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.2 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Price and Review Scores Rating" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 14 , fontfamily = font2 ))
dev.off ()
ggplot ( data , aes ( data $ price , data $ availability_365 , color = color1 )) +
geom_point ( shape = 16 , size = 1 , show.legend = FALSE ) +
ylim ( 0 , 400 ) + scale_x_continuous ( labels = comma , limits = c ( 0 , 1000 )) +
theme_tufte () + labs ( x = "Price" , y = 'Availability 365' ) +
theme ( axis.ticks = element_blank (),
axis.text.y.left = element_text ( hjust = 1.5 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x.bottom = element_text ( vjust = 5 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.5 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.95 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Price and Availability 365" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontfamily = font2 ))
ggplot ( data , aes ( data $ weekly_price , data $ price_two_nights_two_people , color = color1 )) +
geom_point ( shape = 16 , size = 1 , show.legend = FALSE ) +
xlim ( 0 , 500 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma , limits = c ( 0 , 2500 )) +
theme_tufte () + labs ( x = "Price" , y = 'Price for 2 Nights and 2 People' ) +
theme ( axis.ticks = element_blank (),
axis.text.y.left = element_text ( hjust = 1.5 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.x.bottom = element_text ( vjust = 5 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( unit ( 0.35 , 'npc' ), unit ( 0.9 , "npc" ), check.overlap = T , just = "left" ,
label = "Price and Price for 2 Nights and 2 People" ,
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 14 , fontfamily = font2 ))
png ( filename = "plots/type_neighborhood.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data , aes ( x = data $ neighbourhood , fill = data $ instant_bookable )) +
geom_bar () +
theme_tufte ( ticks = FALSE , base_size = 8 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma ) + scale_fill_manual ( values = alpha ( c ( color1 , color4 ))) +
theme ( legend.position = 'None' ,
axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 90 , hjust = 1 , size = 8 ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text.y = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 0.9 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" , vjust = 2 ,
label = paste ( "Instant Book" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color4 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 1 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" ,
label = paste ( "Pending Approval" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
dev.off ()
png ( filename = "plots/type_cancellation.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data , aes ( x = data $ cancellation_policy , fill = data $ room_type )) +
geom_bar () +
theme_tufte ( ticks = FALSE , base_size = 8 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma ) + scale_fill_manual ( values = alpha ( c ( color1 , color4 , 'green3' ))) +
theme ( legend.position = 'None' ,
axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 35 , hjust = 1 , size = 10 ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text.y = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( 1 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 0.9 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" , vjust = 2 ,
label = paste ( "Private Room" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color4 , fontsize = 14 , fontface = "bold" ))
grid.text ( 1 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 1 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" ,
label = paste ( "Entire Home/Apt" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 14 , fontface = "bold" ))
dev.off ()
png ( filename = "plots/type_host.png" , width = 900 , height = 600 , units = "px" )
ggplot ( data [ data $ host_is_superhost != "" ,], aes ( x = data $ neighbourhood , fill = data $ host_is_superhost )) +
geom_bar () +
theme_tufte ( ticks = FALSE , base_size = 8 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma ) + scale_fill_manual ( values = alpha ( c ( color4 , color1 ))) +
theme ( legend.position = 'None' ,
axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 90 , hjust = 1 , size = 8 ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text.y = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 0.9 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" , vjust = 2 ,
label = paste ( "Superhost" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 1 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" ,
label = paste ( "Host" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color4 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
dev.off ()
ggplot ( data , aes ( x = data $ host_response_time [ data $ host_response_time != c ( 'NA' )], fill = data $ host_is_superhost )) +
geom_bar () + scale_fill_manual ( values = alpha ( c ( color1 , color4 ))) +
theme_tufte ( ticks = FALSE , base_size = 8 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma ) +
theme ( legend.position = 'None' ,
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text.x = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.y = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 0.9 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" , vjust = 2 ,
label = paste ( "Superhost" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color4 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 1 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" ,
label = paste ( "Host" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
ggplot ( data , aes ( x = data $ room_type , fill = data $ host_is_superhost )) +
geom_bar () + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma ) + scale_fill_manual ( values = alpha ( c ( color1 , color4 ))) +
theme_tufte ( ticks = FALSE , base_size = 8 ) +
theme ( legend.position = 'None' ,
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text.x = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ),
axis.text.y = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 0.9 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" , vjust = 2 ,
label = paste ( "Superhost" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color4 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
grid.text ( 0.95 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 1 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" ,
label = paste ( "Host" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
ggplot ( data , aes ( x = data $ neighbourhood , fill = data $ is_location_exact )) +
geom_bar () +
theme_tufte ( ticks = FALSE , base_size = 8 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma ) + scale_fill_manual ( values = alpha ( c ( color1 , color4 ))) +
theme ( legend.position = 'None' ,
axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 90 , hjust = 1 , size = 8 ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text.y = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( 1.1 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 0.9 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" , vjust = 2 ,
label = paste ( "Location Accurate" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color4 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
grid.text ( 1.1 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 1 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" ,
label = paste ( "Location Not Accurate" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
ggplot ( data , aes ( x = data $ cancellation_policy , fill = data $ host_is_superhost )) +
geom_bar () +
theme_tufte ( ticks = FALSE , base_size = 8 ) + scale_y_continuous ( labels = comma ) + scale_fill_manual ( values = alpha ( c ( color1 , color4 ))) +
scale_x_discrete () +
theme ( legend.position = 'None' ,
axis.text.x = element_text ( angle = 35 , hjust = 1 , size = 7 ),
axis.title = element_blank (),
axis.text.y = element_text ( size = 8 , family = font2 ))
grid.text ( 1.1 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 0.9 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" , vjust = 2 ,
label = paste ( "Superhost" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color4 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))
grid.text ( 1.1 , unit ( 1 , "npc" ) - unit ( 1 , "line" ), check.overlap = T , just = "right" ,
label = paste ( "Host" , paste ( rep ( " " , spacing ), collapse = '' )),
gp = gpar ( col = color1 , fontsize = 16 , fontface = "bold" ))