Bike Sharing in Washington D.C.

65 minute read

All the files of this project are saved in a GitHub repository.



This case study of the Washington D.C Bike Sharing System aims to predict the total number of users on an hourly basis. The dataset is available on Kaggle. It contains usage information of years 2011 and 2012.


This project uses a set of libraries for data manipulation, ploting and modelling.

# Loading Libraries
import pandas as pd #Data Manipulation - version 0.23.4
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
import numpy as np #Data Manipulation - version 1.15.4
import datetime

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Plotting - version 3.0.2
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker #Plotting - version 3.0.2
import seaborn as sns #Plotting - version 0.9.0

from sklearn import preprocessing #Preprocessing - version 0.20.1
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler #Preprocessing - version 0.20.1
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures #Preprocessing - version 0.20.1

from scipy.stats import skew, boxcox_normmax #Preprocessing - version 1.1.0
from scipy.special import boxcox1p #Preprocessing - version 1.1.0
import statsmodels.api as sm #Outliers detection - version 0.9.0

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split #Train/Test Split - version 0.20.1
from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit,cross_validate #Timeseries CV - version 0.20.1
from sklearn import datasets, linear_model #Model - version 0.20.1
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression #Model - version 0.20.1

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score #Metrics - version 0.20.1
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score #Metrics - version 0.20.1
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, cross_val_predict # CV - version 0.20.1
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE #Feature Selection - version 0.20.1

Data Loading

The dataset is stored in the GitHub repository consisting in two CSV file: day.csv and hour.csv. The files are loaded directly from the repository.

hours_df = pd.read_csv("")
instant dteday season yr mnth hr holiday weekday workingday weathersit temp atemp hum windspeed casual registered cnt
0 1 2011-01-01 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.81 0.0 3 13 16
1 2 2011-01-01 1 0 1 1 0 6 0 1 0.22 0.2727 0.80 0.0 8 32 40
2 3 2011-01-01 1 0 1 2 0 6 0 1 0.22 0.2727 0.80 0.0 5 27 32
3 4 2011-01-01 1 0 1 3 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.75 0.0 3 10 13
4 5 2011-01-01 1 0 1 4 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.75 0.0 0 1 1
days_df = pd.read_csv("")
instant dteday season yr mnth holiday weekday workingday weathersit temp atemp hum windspeed casual registered cnt
0 1 2011-01-01 1 0 1 0 6 0 2 0.344167 0.363625 0.805833 0.160446 331 654 985
1 2 2011-01-02 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0.363478 0.353739 0.696087 0.248539 131 670 801
2 3 2011-01-03 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0.196364 0.189405 0.437273 0.248309 120 1229 1349
3 4 2011-01-04 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 0.200000 0.212122 0.590435 0.160296 108 1454 1562
4 5 2011-01-05 1 0 1 0 3 1 1 0.226957 0.229270 0.436957 0.186900 82 1518 1600

Data Preparation

Variables Types and Definitions

The first stage of this analysis is to describe the dataset, understand the meaning of variable and perform the necessary adjustments to ensure that the data will be proceeded correctly during the Machine Learning process.

# Shape of the data frame
print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('hour.csv:', hours_df.shape[0],'rows |', hours_df.shape[1], 'columns'))
print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('day.csv:', days_df.shape[0],'rows |', days_df.shape[1], 'columns'))
hour.csv:  17379 rows |  17 columns
day.csv:     731 rows |  16 columns
# Describe each variable
def df_desc(df):
    import pandas as pd
    desc = pd.DataFrame({'dtype': df.dtypes,
                         'NAs': df.isna().sum(),
                         'Numerical': (df.dtypes != 'object') & (df.dtypes != 'datetime64[ns]') & (df.apply(lambda column: column == 0).sum() + df.apply(lambda column: column == 1).sum() != len(df)),
                         'Boolean': df.apply(lambda column: column == 0).sum() + df.apply(lambda column: column == 1).sum() == len(df),
                         'Categorical': df.dtypes == 'object',
                         'Date': df.dtypes == 'datetime64[ns]',
    return desc
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
instant int64 0 True False False False
dteday object 0 False False True False
season int64 0 True False False False
yr int64 0 False True False False
mnth int64 0 True False False False
holiday int64 0 False True False False
weekday int64 0 True False False False
workingday int64 0 False True False False
weathersit int64 0 True False False False
temp float64 0 True False False False
atemp float64 0 True False False False
hum float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
casual int64 0 True False False False
registered int64 0 True False False False
cnt int64 0 True False False False
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
instant int64 0 True False False False
dteday object 0 False False True False
season int64 0 True False False False
yr int64 0 False True False False
mnth int64 0 True False False False
hr int64 0 True False False False
holiday int64 0 False True False False
weekday int64 0 True False False False
workingday int64 0 False True False False
weathersit int64 0 True False False False
temp float64 0 True False False False
atemp float64 0 True False False False
hum float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
casual int64 0 True False False False
registered int64 0 True False False False
cnt int64 0 True False False False

The dataset day.csv consists in 731 rows and 16 columns. The dataset hour.csv consists in 17,379 rows and 17 columns. Both datasets have the same columns, with an additional column for hours in hour.csv.

Each row provides information for each day or each hour. None of the attributes contains any NA. Four (4) of these attributes contain decimal numbers, nine (9) contain integers, three (3) contain booleans, and one (1) contains date values stored as string.

For better readability, the columns of both data frames are renamed and data types are adjusted.

# Renaming columns names to more readable names

# Date time conversion = pd.to_datetime(, format='%Y-%m-%d')

# Categorical variables
for column in ['season', 'holiday', 'weekday', 'workingday', 'weather_condition','month', 'year','hour']:
    hours_df[column] = hours_df[column].astype('category')
# Renaming columns names to more readable names

# Date time conversion = pd.to_datetime(, format='%Y-%m-%d')

# Categorical variables
for column in ['season', 'holiday', 'weekday', 'workingday', 'weather_condition','month', 'year']:
    days_df[column] = days_df[column].astype('category')
id date season year month hour holiday weekday workingday weather_condition actual_temp feeling_temp humidity windspeed casual registered total_bikes
0 1 2011-01-01 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.81 0.0 3 13 16
1 2 2011-01-01 1 0 1 1 0 6 0 1 0.22 0.2727 0.80 0.0 8 32 40
2 3 2011-01-01 1 0 1 2 0 6 0 1 0.22 0.2727 0.80 0.0 5 27 32
3 4 2011-01-01 1 0 1 3 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.75 0.0 3 10 13
4 5 2011-01-01 1 0 1 4 0 6 0 1 0.24 0.2879 0.75 0.0 0 1 1
id actual_temp feeling_temp humidity windspeed casual registered total_bikes
count 17379.0000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000
mean 8690.0000 0.496987 0.475775 0.627229 0.190098 35.676218 153.786869 189.463088
std 5017.0295 0.192556 0.171850 0.192930 0.122340 49.305030 151.357286 181.387599
min 1.0000 0.020000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
25% 4345.5000 0.340000 0.333300 0.480000 0.104500 4.000000 34.000000 40.000000
50% 8690.0000 0.500000 0.484800 0.630000 0.194000 17.000000 115.000000 142.000000
75% 13034.5000 0.660000 0.621200 0.780000 0.253700 48.000000 220.000000 281.000000
max 17379.0000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.850700 367.000000 886.000000 977.000000
# Lists values of categorical variables
categories = {'season': hours_df['season'].unique().tolist(),
for i in sorted(categories.keys()):
    if i != sorted(categories.keys())[-1] :print()
[0, 1]

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

[1, 2, 3, 4]

[1, 2, 3, 4]

[6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

[0, 1]

[0, 1]
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
id int64 0 True False False False
date datetime64[ns] 0 False False False True
season category 0 True False False False
year category 0 False True False False
month category 0 True False False False
hour category 0 True False False False
holiday category 0 False True False False
weekday category 0 True False False False
workingday category 0 False True False False
weather_condition category 0 True False False False
actual_temp float64 0 True False False False
feeling_temp float64 0 True False False False
humidity float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
casual int64 0 True False False False
registered int64 0 True False False False
total_bikes int64 0 True False False False
id date season year month holiday weekday workingday weather_condition actual_temp feeling_temp humidity windspeed casual registered total_bikes
0 1 2011-01-01 1 0 1 0 6 0 2 0.344167 0.363625 0.805833 0.160446 331 654 985
1 2 2011-01-02 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0.363478 0.353739 0.696087 0.248539 131 670 801
2 3 2011-01-03 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0.196364 0.189405 0.437273 0.248309 120 1229 1349
3 4 2011-01-04 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 0.200000 0.212122 0.590435 0.160296 108 1454 1562
4 5 2011-01-05 1 0 1 0 3 1 1 0.226957 0.229270 0.436957 0.186900 82 1518 1600
id actual_temp feeling_temp humidity windspeed casual registered total_bikes
count 731.000000 731.000000 731.000000 731.000000 731.000000 731.000000 731.000000 731.000000
mean 366.000000 0.495385 0.474354 0.627894 0.190486 848.176471 3656.172367 4504.348837
std 211.165812 0.183051 0.162961 0.142429 0.077498 686.622488 1560.256377 1937.211452
min 1.000000 0.059130 0.079070 0.000000 0.022392 2.000000 20.000000 22.000000
25% 183.500000 0.337083 0.337842 0.520000 0.134950 315.500000 2497.000000 3152.000000
50% 366.000000 0.498333 0.486733 0.626667 0.180975 713.000000 3662.000000 4548.000000
75% 548.500000 0.655417 0.608602 0.730209 0.233214 1096.000000 4776.500000 5956.000000
max 731.000000 0.861667 0.840896 0.972500 0.507463 3410.000000 6946.000000 8714.000000
# Lists values of categorical variables
categories = {'season': days_df['season'].unique().tolist(),
for i in sorted(categories.keys()):
    if i != sorted(categories.keys())[-1] :print()
[0, 1]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

[1, 2, 3, 4]

[2, 1, 3]

[6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

[0, 1]

[0, 1]
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
id int64 0 True False False False
date datetime64[ns] 0 False False False True
season category 0 True False False False
year category 0 False True False False
month category 0 True False False False
holiday category 0 False True False False
weekday category 0 True False False False
workingday category 0 False True False False
weather_condition category 0 True False False False
actual_temp float64 0 True False False False
feeling_temp float64 0 True False False False
humidity float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
casual int64 0 True False False False
registered int64 0 True False False False
total_bikes int64 0 True False False False

For this study, we will only work with the dataset hours. The datasets contain 17 variables with no NAs:

  • id: numerical, integer values.
    Record index. This variable won’t be considered in the study.
  • date: numerical, date values.
  • season: encoded categorical, integer between 1 and 4.
    Season: 2=Spring, 3=Summer, 4=Fall, 1=Winter.
    Note: the seasons mentioned on the Kaggle page didn’t correspond to the real seasons. We readjusted the parameters accordingly.
  • year: encoded categorical, integer between 0 and 1.
    Year: 0=2011, 1=2012.
  • month: encoded categorical, integer between 1 and 12.
  • hour: encoded categorical, integer between 1 and 23.
  • holiday: encoded categorical, boolean.
    Flag indicating if the day is a holiday.
  • weekday: encoded categorical, integer between 0 and 6.
    Day of the week (0=Sunday, … 6=Saturday).
  • workingday: encoded categorical, boolean.
    Flag indicating if the day is a working day.
  • weather_condition: encoded categorical, integer between 1 and 4.
    Weather condition (1=Clear, 2=Mist, 3=Light Rain, 4=Heavy Rain).
  • actual_temp: numerical, decimal values between 0 and 1.
    Normalized temperature in Celsius (min = -16, max = +50).
  • feeling_temp: numerical, decimal values between 0 and 1.
    Normalized feeling temperature in Celsius (min = -8, max = +39).
  • humidity: numerical, decimal values between 0 and 1.
    Normalized humidity.
  • windspeed: numerical, decimal values between 0 and 1.
    Normalized wind speed.
  • casual: numerical, integer.
    Count of casual users. This variable won’t be considered in the study.
  • registered: numerical, integer.
    Count of registered users. This variable won’t be considered in the study.
  • total_bikes: numerical, integer.
    Count of total rental bikes (casual+registered). This is the target variable of the study, the one to be modelled.
# Remove variable id
hours_df= hours_df.drop(['id'], axis=1)

Exploratory Data Analysis

Bike sharing utilization over the two years

The objective of this study is to build a model to predict the value of the variable total_bikes, based on the other variables available.

# Total_bikes evolution per day
sns.lineplot(x =,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

Based on the two years dataset, it seems that the utilization of the bike sharing service has increased over the period. The number of bikes rented per day also seems to vary depending on the season, with Spring and Summer months being showing a higher utilization of the service.

Bike sharing utilization by Month

# Total_bikes by Month - Line Plot
g = sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.month,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'])

# Total_bikes by Month - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.month,
            y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'])

The average utilization per month seems to increase between April and October, with a higher variance too.

Bike sharing utilization by Hour

# Total_bikes by Hour - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.hour,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')
plt.xticks([0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23])

# Total_bikes by Hour - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.hour,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

# Total_bikes by Hour - Distribution
             bins = 100,
             color = 'steelblue').axes.set(xlim = (min(hours_df.total_bikes),max(hours_df.total_bikes)),
                                           xticks = [0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000])

The utilization seems really similar over the day, with 2 peaks around 8am and between 5pm and 6pm. The box plot shows potential outliers in the data, which will be removed after the Feature Construction stage. It also highlight an important variance during day time, especially at peak times. The distribution plot shows that utilization is most of the time below 40 bikes simultaneously, and can reach about 1,000 bikes.

Bike sharing utilization by Season

# Total_bikes by Season - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.season,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'])

# Total_bikes by Season - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.season,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'])

Summer appears to be the high season, with Spring and Fall having similar utilization shapes. Winter logically appears to be the low season with, however, potential utilization peaks which can reach the same number of bikes than in high season.

Bike sharing utilization by Holiday

# Total_bikes by Holidays - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x =,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Normal Day', 'Holiday'])

Utilization of bikes during holidays seems lower and with less peaks.

Bike sharing utilization by Weekday

# Total_bikes by Weekday - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.weekday,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'])

# Total_bikes by Weekday - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.weekday,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'])

The average utilization per hour seems higher at the end of the week, but overall, weekends appear to have lower frequentation and weekdays have higher peaks.

Bike sharing utilization by Working Day

# Total_bikes by Working Day - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.workingday,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Non Working Day', 'Working Day'])

Utilization seems higher during working days, with higher peaks.

Bike sharing utilization by Weather Condition

# Total_bikes by Weather Condition - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.weather_condition,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Clear', 'Mist', 'Light Rain', 'Heavy Rain'])

# Total_bikes by Weather Condition - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.weather_condition,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue') \
   .axes.set_xticklabels(['Clear', 'Mist', 'Light Rain', 'Heavy Rain'])

Unsurprisingly, bike sharing utilization is getting worse with bad weather.

Bike sharing utilization by Actual Temperature

# Total_bikes by Actual Temperature - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.actual_temp,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

# Total_bikes by Actual Temperature - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.actual_temp,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

The utilization is almost inexistant for sub-zero temperatures. It then grows with the increase of temperature, but drops down when it gets extremely hot.

Bike sharing utilization by Feeling Temperature

# Total_bikes by Feeling Temperature - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.feeling_temp,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

# Total_bikes by Feeling Temperature - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.feeling_temp,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

The utilization by feeling temperature follows the same rules than by actual temperature.

Bike sharing utilization by Humidity

# Total_bikes by Humidity - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.humidity,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

# Total_bikes by Humidity - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.humidity,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

The utilization of bike sharing services is decreasing with the increase of humidity.

Bike sharing utilization by Wind Speed

# Total_bikes by Wind Speed - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = hours_df.windspeed,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

# Total_bikes by Wind Speed - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.windspeed,
             y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')

Stronger wind seems to discourage users to use the bike sharing service.

Bike sharing utilization by Casual

# Total_bikes by Casual - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(y = hours_df.casual,
             x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')
sns.lineplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'orange')

# Total_bikes by Casual - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(y = hours_df.casual,
            x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')
sns.lineplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'orange')

The number of casual users seems to be quite low compared to the total users, but there are peaks of activity when total utilization reaches values between 500 and 800 bikes.

Bike sharing utilization by Registered

# Total_bikes by Registered - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(y = hours_df.registered,
             x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')
sns.lineplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'orange')

# Total_bikes by Registered - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(y = hours_df.registered,
            x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')
sns.lineplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.total_bikes,
             color = 'orange')

The number of registered users is usually high, compared to the total number of bikes. There are however drops between 500 and 800 total users.

Casual vs Registered Users

cas_reg = pd.DataFrame(hours_df.registered)
cas_reg['casual'] = hours_df.casual
cas_reg['total_bikes'] = hours_df.total_bikes
cas_reg['ratio_cas_tot'] = np.where(cas_reg.total_bikes == 0,0,round(cas_reg.casual / cas_reg.total_bikes,4))
# Ratio of Casual Users - Line Plot
sns.lineplot(y = cas_reg.ratio_cas_tot,
             x = cas_reg.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')
plt.axhline(1, color='orange')

# Ratio of Casual Users - Box Plot
sns.boxplot(y = cas_reg.ratio_cas_tot,
            x = cas_reg.total_bikes,
             color = 'steelblue')
plt.axhline(1, color='orange')

# Ratio of Casual Users - Distribution
             bins = 100,
             color = 'steelblue').axes.set(xlim = (min(cas_reg.ratio_cas_tot),max(cas_reg.ratio_cas_tot)))
plt.axvline(0.5, color='orange', linestyle='--')

The ratio of casual users is most of the time lower than the ratio of registered users, mainly lower than 30% of total users.

Total_Bikes by Hour with Holiday Hue

g = sns.pointplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.hour,
             hue ='int'),
             palette = 'viridis',
             errwidth = 1.5)
g_legend = g.axes.get_legend()
g_labels = ['Normal Day', 'Holiday']
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)

The utilization by hour during normal days differs from the utilization during holidays. During normal days, two (2) peaks are present during commute times (around 8am and 5-6pm), while during holidays, utilization is higher during the day between 10am and 8pm. Utilization during holidays also shows a higher variance.

Total_Bikes by Hour with Working Day Hue

g = sns.pointplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.hour,
             hue = hours_df.workingday.astype('int'),
             palette = 'viridis',
             errwidth = 1.5)
g_legend = g.axes.get_legend()
g_labels = ['Non Working Day', 'Working Day']
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)
# plt.axhline(hours_df.total_bikes.mean()+0.315*hours_df.total_bikes.mean(), color='orange')

Quite similar than the utilization by holiday, the utilization by hour during working days differs from the utilization during non working days. During working days, two (2) peaks are present during commute times (around 8am and 5-6pm), while during non working days, utilization is higher during the day between 10am and 8pm. Interestingly, utilization during non working day seems to have less variance than during holidays.

Total_Bikes by Hour with Weekday Hue

g = sns.pointplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.hour,
             hue = hours_df.weekday.astype('int'),
             palette = 'viridis',
             errwidth = 1.5)
g_legend = g.axes.get_legend()
g_labels = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
# plt.axhline(hours_df.total_bikes.mean(), color='steelblue')
# plt.axhline(hours_df.total_bikes.mean()+0.315*hours_df.total_bikes.mean(), color='orange')
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)

The utilization by hour during weekdays differs from the utilization during weekends. During weekdays, two (2) peaks are present during commute times (around 8am and 5-6pm), while during weekends, utilization is higher during the day between 10am and 6pm.

Total_Bikes by Hour with Weekday Hue for Registered Users

g = sns.pointplot(y = hours_df.registered,
             x = hours_df.hour,
             hue = hours_df.weekday.astype('int'),
             palette = 'viridis',
             errwidth = 1.5)
g_legend = g.axes.get_legend()
g_labels = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)

Registered users seem to be responsible for the two (2) peaks during commute times. They still use the bikes during the weekends.

Total_Bikes by Hour with Weekday Hue for Casual Users

g = sns.pointplot(y = hours_df.casual,
             x = hours_df.hour,
             hue = hours_df.weekday.astype('int'),
             palette = 'viridis',
             errwidth = 1.5)
g_legend = g.axes.get_legend()
g_labels = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)

Casual users are mainly using the bikes during the weekends.

Total_Bikes by Hour with Weather Conditions Hue

g = sns.pointplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.hour,
             hue = hours_df.weather_condition.astype('int'),
             palette = 'viridis',
             errwidth = 1.5)
g_legend = g.axes.get_legend()
g_labels = ['Clear', 'Mist', 'Light Rain', 'Heavy Rain']
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)

The weather seems to have a consistent impact on the utilization by hour, except for mist which doesn’t seem to discourage morning commuters.

Total_Bikes by Hour with Seasons Hue

g = sns.pointplot(y = hours_df.total_bikes,
             x = hours_df.hour,
             hue = hours_df.season.astype('int'),
             palette = 'viridis',
             errwidth = 1.5)
g_legend = g.axes.get_legend()
g_labels = ['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall']
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)

The season seems to have a consistent impact on the utilization by hour, with Winter discouraging a big part of the users.

Humidity by Actual Temperature

sns.boxplot(x = hours_df.actual_temp,
            y = hours_df.humidity,
             color = 'steelblue')

The humidity seems to be changing regardless of the actual temperature, except for extreme temperature values where humidity seems to stabilize.

Correlation Analysis

A correlation analysis will allow to identify relationships between the dataset variables. A plot of their distributions highlighting the value of the target variable might also reveal some patterns.

hours_df_corr = hours_df.copy()
hours_df_corr = hours_df_corr.drop(['date', 'year', 'month', 'hour', 'casual', 'registered', 'total_bikes'], axis=1)
for column in hours_df_corr.columns:
    hours_df_corr[column] = hours_df_corr[column].astype('float')
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
            cmap=sns.diverging_palette(220, 20, n=7), vmax=1.0, vmin=-1.0, linewidths=0.1,
            annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 8}, square=True);

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
axs = fig.subplots(2,4)

sns.scatterplot(hours_df['actual_temp'], hours_df['feeling_temp'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[0,0])

sns.scatterplot(hours_df['humidity'],hours_df['windspeed'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[0,1])

sns.countplot(hours_df['holiday'],hue=hours_df['workingday'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[0,2])
axs[0,2].set_xticklabels(labels=['Normal Day', 'Holiday'])
g_legend = axs[0,2].get_legend()
g_labels = ['Non Working', 'Working']
for t, l in zip(g_legend.texts, g_labels): t.set_text(l)

sns.boxplot(hours_df['weather_condition'], hours_df['humidity'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[0,3])
axs[0,3].set_xticklabels(labels=['Clear', 'Mist', 'L. Rain', 'H. Rain'])

sns.boxplot(hours_df['season'], hours_df['actual_temp'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[1,0])
axs[1,0].set_xticklabels(labels=['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'])

sns.boxplot(hours_df['season'], hours_df['feeling_temp'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[1,1])
axs[1,1].set_xticklabels(labels=['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'])

sns.boxplot(hours_df['season'], hours_df['humidity'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[1,2])
axs[1,2].set_xticklabels(labels=['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'])

sns.boxplot(hours_df['season'], hours_df['windspeed'], palette=('viridis'), ax = axs[1,3])
axs[1,3].set_xticklabels(labels=['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'])


The correlation matrix shows a high correlation between actual_temp and feeling_temp. Thus, only the actual_temp variable will be used in the study, and the feeling_temp will be removed from the dataset.

Another interesting relationship exists between holiday and workingday. Every holiday is a non-working day. Based on previous plots, the utilization of bikes per hour based on workingday seems to be more stable than based on holiday, thus the variable holiday will be removed.

Some other logical correlations can be found between meteorological conditions and seasons, but they are not strong enough to lighten the dataset.

Scaling and Skewness

hours_prep_scaled = hours_df.copy().drop(['date','casual', 'registered', 'holiday','feeling_temp'],axis=1)
actual_temp humidity windspeed total_bikes
count 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000
mean 0.496987 0.627229 0.190098 189.463088
std 0.192556 0.192930 0.122340 181.387599
min 0.020000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
25% 0.340000 0.480000 0.104500 40.000000
50% 0.500000 0.630000 0.194000 142.000000
75% 0.660000 0.780000 0.253700 281.000000
max 1.000000 1.000000 0.850700 977.000000
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
hours_prep_scaled[['actual_temp', 'humidity', 'windspeed', 'total_bikes']] = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(hours_prep_scaled[['actual_temp', 'humidity','windspeed', 'total_bikes']]))
actual_temp humidity windspeed total_bikes
count 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000
mean 0.486722 0.627229 0.223460 0.193097
std 0.196486 0.192930 0.143811 0.185848
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 0.326531 0.480000 0.122840 0.039959
50% 0.489796 0.630000 0.228047 0.144467
75% 0.653061 0.780000 0.298225 0.286885
max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
def feature_skewness(df):
    numeric_dtypes = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 
                      'float16', 'float32', 'float64']
    numeric_features = []
    for i in df.columns:
        if df[i].dtype in numeric_dtypes: 

    feature_skew = df[numeric_features].apply(
        lambda x: skew(x)).sort_values(ascending=False)
    skews = pd.DataFrame({'skew':feature_skew})
    return feature_skew, numeric_features

def fix_skewness(df):
    feature_skew, numeric_features = feature_skewness(df)
    high_skew = feature_skew[feature_skew > 0.5]
    skew_index = high_skew.index
    for i in skew_index:
        df[i] = boxcox1p(df[i], boxcox_normmax(df[i]+1))

    skew_features = df[numeric_features].apply(
        lambda x: skew(x)).sort_values(ascending=False)
    skews = pd.DataFrame({'skew':skew_features})
    return df
hours_df_num = hours_df.select_dtypes(include = ['float64', 'int64']);
hours_prep_scaled.hist(figsize=(15, 5), bins=50, xlabelsize=3, ylabelsize=3, color='steelblue');

hours_prep_skew = fix_skewness(hours_prep_scaled)
hours_prep_skew.hist(figsize=(15, 5), bins=50, xlabelsize=3, ylabelsize=3, color='steelblue');

The scale and skewness of the dataset are corrected.

Encoding Categorical Variables

hours_prep_encoded = hours_prep_skew.copy()
def date_features(df):
    columns = df.columns
    return df.select_dtypes(include=[np.datetime64]).columns

def numerical_features(df):
    columns = df.columns
    return df._get_numeric_data().columns

def categorical_features(df):
    numerical_columns = numerical_features(df)
    date_columns = date_features(df)
    return(list(set(df.columns) - set(numerical_columns) - set(date_columns) ))

def onehot_encode(df):
    numericals = df.get(numerical_features(df))
    new_df = numericals.copy()
    for categorical_column in categorical_features(df):
        new_df = pd.concat([new_df, 
    return new_df

def onehot_encode_single(df, col_to_encode, drop = True):
    if type(col_to_encode) != str:
        raise TypeError ('col_to_encode should be a string.')
    new_df = df.copy()
    if drop == True:
        new_df = new_df.drop([col_to_encode], axis=1)

    new_df = pd.concat([new_df, 
    return new_df
hours_clean = onehot_encode(hours_prep_encoded)
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
actual_temp float64 0 True False False False
humidity float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
total_bikes float64 0 True False False False
weekday_0 uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_1 uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_2 uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_3 uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_4 uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_5 uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_6 uint8 0 False True False False
month_1 uint8 0 False True False False
month_2 uint8 0 False True False False
month_3 uint8 0 False True False False
month_4 uint8 0 False True False False
month_5 uint8 0 False True False False
month_6 uint8 0 False True False False
month_7 uint8 0 False True False False
month_8 uint8 0 False True False False
month_9 uint8 0 False True False False
month_10 uint8 0 False True False False
month_11 uint8 0 False True False False
month_12 uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_1 uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_2 uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_3 uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_4 uint8 0 False True False False
year_0 uint8 0 False True False False
year_1 uint8 0 False True False False
season_1 uint8 0 False True False False
season_2 uint8 0 False True False False
season_3 uint8 0 False True False False
season_4 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_0 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_1 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_2 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_3 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_4 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_5 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_6 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_7 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_8 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_9 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_10 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_11 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_12 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_13 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_14 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_15 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_16 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_17 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_18 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_19 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_20 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_21 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_22 uint8 0 False True False False
hour_23 uint8 0 False True False False
workingday_0 uint8 0 False True False False
workingday_1 uint8 0 False True False False
# Rename columns
hours_clean.drop('workingday_no', inplace = True, axis = 1)

The variable workingday_no has been removed, as complementary of workingday_yes.

actual_temp humidity windspeed total_bikes weekday_sunday weekday_monday weekday_tuesday weekday_wednesday weekday_thursday weekday_friday weekday_saturday month_jan month_feb month_mar month_apr month_may month_jun month_jul month_aug month_sep month_oct month_nov month_dec weather_condition_clear weather_condition_mist weather_condition_light_rain weather_condition_heavy_rain year_2011 year_2012 season_winter season_spring season_summer season_fall hour_0 hour_1 hour_2 hour_3 hour_4 hour_5 hour_6 hour_7 hour_8 hour_9 hour_10 hour_11 hour_12 hour_13 hour_14 hour_15 hour_16 hour_17 hour_18 hour_19 hour_20 hour_21 hour_22 hour_23 workingday_yes
0 0.224490 0.81 0.0 0.014911 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0.204082 0.80 0.0 0.036985 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.204082 0.80 0.0 0.029859 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0.224490 0.75 0.0 0.012001 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0.224490 0.75 0.0 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The dataset is ready for modeling.

Training/Test Split

def list_features(df, target):
    features = list(df)
    return features
target = 'total_bikes'
features = list_features(hours_clean, target)
X = hours_clean[features]
X_train = X.loc[(X['year_2011']==1) | ((X['year_2012']==1) & (X['month_sep']==0) & (X['month_oct']==0) & (X['month_nov']==0) & (X['month_dec']==0)),features]
X_test = X.loc[(X['year_2012']==1) & ((X['month_sep']==1) | (X['month_oct']==1) | (X['month_nov']==1) | (X['month_dec']==1)),features]
print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('X_train:', X_train.shape[0],'rows |', X_train.shape[1], 'columns'))
print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('X_test:', X_test.shape[0],'rows |', X_test.shape[1], 'columns'))
X_train:   14491 rows |  57 columns
X_test:     2888 rows |  57 columns
year_2011 year_2012 month_jan month_feb month_mar month_apr month_may month_jun month_jul month_aug month_sep month_oct month_nov month_dec 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 744
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 744
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 720
3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 744
4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 718
5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 743
6 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 692
7 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 741
8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 741
9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 719
10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 743
11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 717
12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 731
13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 744
14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 720
15 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 744
16 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 719
17 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730
18 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 649
19 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 688
year_2011 year_2012 month_jan month_feb month_mar month_apr month_may month_jun month_jul month_aug month_sep month_oct month_nov month_dec 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 742
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 718
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 708
3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 720
y = hours_clean.copy()
y_train = y.loc[(y['year_2011']==1) | ((y['year_2012']==1) & (y['month_sep']==0) & (y['month_oct']==0) & (y['month_nov']==0) & (y['month_dec']==0)),:]
y_test = y.loc[(y['year_2012']==1) & ((y['month_sep']==1) | (y['month_oct']==1) | (y['month_nov']==1) | (y['month_dec']==1)),:]
y_train = pd.DataFrame(y_train[target])
y_test = pd.DataFrame(y_test[target])
print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('y_train:', y_train.shape[0],'rows |', y_train.shape[1], 'columns'))
print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('y_test:', y_test.shape[0],'rows |', y_test.shape[1], 'columns'))
y_train:   14491 rows |   1 columns
y_test:     2888 rows |   1 columns
print('{:<35} {!r:>}'.format('Same indexes for X_train and y_train:', X_train.index.values.tolist() == y_train.index.values.tolist()))
print('{:<35} {!r:>}'.format('Same indexes for X_test and y_test:', X_test.index.values.tolist() == y_test.index.values.tolist()))
Same indexes for X_train and y_train: True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test: True
print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Features:',X.shape[0], 'items | ', X.shape[1],'columns'))
print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Features Train:',X_train.shape[0], 'items | ', X_train.shape[1],'columns'))
print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Features Test:',X_test.shape[0], 'items | ',  X_test.shape[1],'columns'))
print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Target:',y.shape[0], 'items | ', 1,'columns'))
print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Target Train:',y_train.shape[0], 'items | ', 1,'columns'))
print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Target Test:',y_test.shape[0], 'items | ', 1,'columns'))
Features:        17379 items |  57 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  57 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  57 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

The Train Set is arbitrarily defined as all records until August 31st 2012, and the Test Set all records from September 1st 2012. Below function will be used to repeat the operation on future dataframes including new features.

def train_test_split_0(df, target, features):
    X = df[features]
    y = pd.DataFrame(df[target])
    X_train = X.loc[(X['year_2011']==1) | ((X['year_2012']==1) & (X['month_sep']==0) & (X['month_oct']==0) & (X['month_nov']==0) & (X['month_dec']==0)),features]
    X_test = X.loc[(X['year_2012']==1) & ((X['month_sep']==1) | (X['month_oct']==1) | (X['month_nov']==1) | (X['month_dec']==1)),features]
    y_train = y.iloc[X_train.index.values.tolist()]
    y_test = y.iloc[X_test.index.values.tolist()]
    print('{:<40} {!r:>}'.format('Same indexes for X and y:', X.index.values.tolist() == y.index.values.tolist()))
    print('{:<40} {!r:>}'.format('Same indexes for X_train and y_train:', X_train.index.values.tolist() == y_train.index.values.tolist()))
    print('{:<40} {!r:>}'.format('Same indexes for X_test and y_test:', X_test.index.values.tolist() == y_test.index.values.tolist()))
    print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Features:',X.shape[0], 'items | ', X.shape[1],'columns'))
    print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Features Train:',X_train.shape[0], 'items | ', X_train.shape[1],'columns'))
    print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Features Test:',X_test.shape[0], 'items | ',  X_test.shape[1],'columns'))
    print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Target:',y.shape[0], 'items | ', 1,'columns'))
    print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Target Train:',y_train.shape[0], 'items | ', 1,'columns'))
    print('{:<15} {:>6} {:>6} {:>2} {:>6}'.format('Target Test:',y_test.shape[0], 'items | ', 1,'columns'))
    return X, X_train, X_test, y, y_train, y_test


lm = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y_train)
y_pred = lm.predict(X_test)

print('Intercept:', lm.intercept_)
print('Coefficients:', lm.coef_)
print('Mean squared error (MSE): {:.2f}'.format(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)))
print('Variance score (R2): {:.2f}'.format(r2_score(y_test, y_pred)))
Intercept: [1.42518525e+12]
Coefficients: [[ 9.71318766e-02 -2.91355583e-02 -2.06357111e-02  5.30593735e+11
   5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11
   5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11
  -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11
  -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11
  -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -6.21044636e+11 -6.21044636e+11
  -6.21044636e+11 -6.21044636e+11 -8.27621847e+11 -8.27621847e+11
   2.77450829e+11  2.77450829e+11  2.77450829e+11  2.77450829e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.76

The baseline model for our dataset obtains a R square of 0.76 with 57 features.

Feature Engineering

Cross Validation Strategy

def cross_val_ts(algorithm, X_train, y_train, n_splits):
    tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=n_splits)
    scores = cross_validate(algorithm, X_train, y_train, cv=tscv,
    print('Cross Validation Variance score (R2): {:.2f}'.format(scores['train_score'].mean()))
cross_val_ts(lm,X_train, y_train, 10)
Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.75

The cross validation used is a recursive time series split with 10 folds.

Features Construction


Each new feature will be tested through below pipeline.

from  matplotlib import pyplot
def pipeline(df, target, algorithm, n_splits = 10, plot=False):
    features = list_features(df, target)
    X, X_train, X_test, y, y_train, y_test = train_test_split_0(df, target, features)
    cross_val_ts(algorithm,X_train, y_train, n_splits), y_train)
    y_pred = lm.predict(X_test)
    y_test_prep = pd.concat([y_test,pd.DataFrame(pd.DatetimeIndex(hours_df['date']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))], axis=1, sort=False, ignore_index=False)
    y_test_prep = y_test_prep.dropna()
    y_test_prep = y_test_prep.set_index(0)
    y_pred_prep = pd.DataFrame(y_pred)
    y_total_prep = pd.concat([y_test_prep.reset_index(drop=False), y_pred_prep.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1)
    y_total_prep.columns = ['Date', 'Actual Total Bikes', 'Predicted Total Bikes']
    y_total_prep = y_total_prep.set_index('Date')

    print('Intercept:', lm.intercept_)
    print('Coefficients:', lm.coef_)
    print('Mean squared error (MSE): {:.2f}'.format(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)))
    print('Variance score (R2): {:.2f}'.format(r2_score(y_test, y_pred)))
    if (plot == True):
        g = sns.lineplot(data=y_total_prep, ci=None, lw=1, dashes=False)
        g.set_xticks(['2012-09-01', '2012-10-01', '2012-11-01', '2012-12-01', '2012-12-31'])
        g.legend(loc='lower left', ncol=1)
pipeline(hours_clean, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot = True)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  57 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  57 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  57 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.75

Intercept: [1.42518525e+12]
Coefficients: [[ 9.71318766e-02 -2.91355583e-02 -2.06357111e-02  5.30593735e+11
   5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11
   5.30593735e+11  5.30593735e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11
  -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11
  -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11
  -9.36146475e+11 -9.36146475e+11 -6.21044636e+11 -6.21044636e+11
  -6.21044636e+11 -6.21044636e+11 -8.27621847e+11 -8.27621847e+11
   2.77450829e+11  2.77450829e+11  2.77450829e+11  2.77450829e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
   1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11  1.51583143e+11
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.76

hours_FE_sel = hours_clean.copy()


The variable day is added to understand if patterns exist based on specific dates.

# Add the day from 'date'
hours_FE1 = pd.concat([hours_FE_sel,pd.DataFrame(pd.DatetimeIndex(hours_df['date']).day)], axis=1, sort=False, ignore_index=False)
hours_FE1.rename(columns={'date':'day'}, inplace=True)

# Encode feature
hours_FE1 = onehot_encode_single(hours_FE1, 'day')
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
actual_temp float64 0 True False False False
humidity float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
total_bikes float64 0 True False False False
weekday_sunday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_monday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_tuesday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_wednesday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_thursday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_friday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_saturday uint8 0 False True False False
month_jan uint8 0 False True False False
month_feb uint8 0 False True False False
month_mar uint8 0 False True False False
month_apr uint8 0 False True False False
month_may uint8 0 False True False False
month_jun uint8 0 False True False False
month_jul uint8 0 False True False False
month_aug uint8 0 False True False False
month_sep uint8 0 False True False False
month_oct uint8 0 False True False False
month_nov uint8 0 False True False False
month_dec uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_clear uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_mist uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_light_rain uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_heavy_rain uint8 0 False True False False
year_2011 uint8 0 False True False False
year_2012 uint8 0 False True False False
season_winter uint8 0 False True False False
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
day_2 uint8 0 False True False False
day_3 uint8 0 False True False False
day_4 uint8 0 False True False False
day_5 uint8 0 False True False False
day_6 uint8 0 False True False False
day_7 uint8 0 False True False False
day_8 uint8 0 False True False False
day_9 uint8 0 False True False False
day_10 uint8 0 False True False False
day_11 uint8 0 False True False False
day_12 uint8 0 False True False False
day_13 uint8 0 False True False False
day_14 uint8 0 False True False False
day_15 uint8 0 False True False False
day_16 uint8 0 False True False False
day_17 uint8 0 False True False False
day_18 uint8 0 False True False False
day_19 uint8 0 False True False False
day_20 uint8 0 False True False False
day_21 uint8 0 False True False False
day_22 uint8 0 False True False False
day_23 uint8 0 False True False False
day_24 uint8 0 False True False False
day_25 uint8 0 False True False False
day_26 uint8 0 False True False False
day_27 uint8 0 False True False False
day_28 uint8 0 False True False False
day_29 uint8 0 False True False False
day_30 uint8 0 False True False False
day_31 uint8 0 False True False False

89 rows × 6 columns

pipeline(hours_FE1, 'total_bikes', lm, 10)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  88 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  88 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  88 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.76

Intercept: [1.71161726e+12]
Coefficients: [[ 9.81434641e-02 -2.87586784e-02 -1.95701795e-02 -3.55924299e+11
  -3.55924299e+11 -3.55924299e+11 -3.55924299e+11 -3.55924299e+11
  -3.55924299e+11 -3.55924299e+11 -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11
  -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11
  -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11
  -2.77119716e+11 -2.77119716e+11  2.18361816e+11  2.18361816e+11
   2.18361816e+11  2.18361816e+11 -1.16702569e+12 -1.16702569e+12
  -1.83881731e+11 -1.83881731e+11 -1.83881731e+11 -1.83881731e+11
   4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10
   4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10
   4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10
   4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10
   4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10
   4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10  4.53064394e+10
   1.05590820e-02  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09
   8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09
   8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09
   8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09
   8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09
   8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09
   8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09
   8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09  8.66592907e+09]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.76

This additional feature gives the same result as the baseline, with a cross validation mean of 0.76 (0.75 for the baseline) and a metric of 0.76 (0.76 for the baseline). With the number of added variables and the lack of score improvement, we reject this feature.


The variable month_day is added to understand if patterns exist based on specific dates.

# Add month-day from 'date'
hours_FE2 = pd.concat([hours_FE_sel,pd.DataFrame(pd.DatetimeIndex(hours_df['date']).strftime('%m-%d'))], axis=1, sort=False, ignore_index=False)
hours_FE2.rename(columns={0:'month_day'}, inplace=True)

# Encode feature
hours_FE2 = onehot_encode_single(hours_FE2, 'month_day')
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
actual_temp float64 0 True False False False
humidity float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
total_bikes float64 0 True False False False
weekday_sunday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_monday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_tuesday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_wednesday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_thursday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_friday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_saturday uint8 0 False True False False
month_jan uint8 0 False True False False
month_feb uint8 0 False True False False
month_mar uint8 0 False True False False
month_apr uint8 0 False True False False
month_may uint8 0 False True False False
month_jun uint8 0 False True False False
month_jul uint8 0 False True False False
month_aug uint8 0 False True False False
month_sep uint8 0 False True False False
month_oct uint8 0 False True False False
month_nov uint8 0 False True False False
month_dec uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_clear uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_mist uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_light_rain uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_heavy_rain uint8 0 False True False False
year_2011 uint8 0 False True False False
year_2012 uint8 0 False True False False
season_winter uint8 0 False True False False
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
month_day_12-02 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-03 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-04 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-05 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-06 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-07 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-08 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-09 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-10 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-11 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-12 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-13 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-14 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-15 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-16 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-17 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-18 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-19 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-20 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-21 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-22 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-23 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-24 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-25 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-26 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-27 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-28 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-29 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-30 uint8 0 False True False False
month_day_12-31 uint8 0 False True False False

424 rows × 6 columns

pipeline(hours_FE2, 'total_bikes', lm, 10)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  423 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  423 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  423 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.78

Intercept: [-1.0897215e+12]
Coefficients: [[ 1.09790293e-01 -3.01683821e-02 -5.57910265e-03  2.87092299e+10
   2.87092299e+10  2.87092299e+10  2.87092299e+10  2.87092299e+10
   2.87092299e+10  2.87092299e+10 -4.44064586e+10  6.36182785e+10
   3.93002384e+10  3.13180832e+11  2.36979259e+11  2.00436715e+11
   1.01140639e+11  7.07828804e+10 -8.72576548e+10  2.98419038e+10
  -2.40907757e+10  5.02697882e+10  8.61379089e+11  8.61379089e+11
   8.61379089e+11  8.61379089e+11  3.39113374e+11  3.39113374e+11
  -3.59698763e+11 -5.65123196e+11 -3.39284907e+11 -3.21347721e+11
   1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11
   1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11
   1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11
   1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11
   1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11
   1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11  1.75225312e+11
   2.75421143e-03  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
   8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
   8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
   8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
   8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
   8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
   8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
   8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10  8.93997212e+10
  -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10
  -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10
  -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10
  -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10
  -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10
  -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10
  -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10 -1.86250159e+10
  -1.86250159e+10  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09
   5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09
   5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09
   5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09
   5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09  5.69302423e+09
   5.69302423e+09  2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11
   2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11
   2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11  2.11117457e+11
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10
  -6.27631373e+10 -6.27631373e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10  1.34384359e+10
   1.34384359e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10
   4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10
   4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10
   4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10
   4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10  4.99809802e+10
   4.99809802e+10 -1.75857309e+11 -1.75857309e+11 -1.75857309e+11
  -1.75857309e+11 -1.75857309e+11 -1.75857309e+11 -1.75857309e+11
  -1.75857309e+11 -1.75857309e+11 -1.75857309e+11 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10
  -7.65612329e+10 -7.65612329e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10 -4.62034742e+10
  -4.62034742e+10  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11
   1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11
   1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11
   1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11
   1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11
   1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  1.11837061e+11  9.38998751e+10
   9.38998751e+10  9.38998751e+10  9.38998751e+10  9.38998751e+10
   9.38998751e+10  9.38998751e+10  9.38998751e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10
  -2.31996836e+10 -2.31996836e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
   3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
   3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
   3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
   3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
   3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
   3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
   3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10  3.07329959e+10
  -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10
  -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10
  -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10
  -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10
  -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10 -4.36275680e+10
  -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09
  -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09
  -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09 -5.27652558e+09]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.75

This additional feature gives a similar result than the baseline, with a cross validation mean of 0.78 (0.75 for the baseline) and a metric of 0.75 (0.76 for the baseline). With the number of added variables and the lack of score improvement, we reject this feature.

Calculated Peaks

The variable calculated_peak is added to flag the periods of typically high utilization.

hours_FE3 = hours_FE_sel.copy()

#Set threshold to mean(Total_Bikes)+th based on Trial and Error appraoch
th = 0.315

def calculated_peaks(row, th):
    if (row['total_bikes'] > (hours_FE3.total_bikes.mean()+ th *hours_FE3.total_bikes.mean())):
        return 1
        return 0

hours_FE3['calculated_peak'] = hours_FE3.apply(lambda row: calculated_peaks(row, th), axis=1)
0    11223
1     6156
Name: calculated_peak, dtype: int64
pipeline(hours_FE3, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot = True)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  58 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  58 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  58 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [3.04077307e+11]
Coefficients: [[ 5.58312891e-02 -1.40752626e-02 -7.26315649e-03 -8.23476934e+10
  -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10
  -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10
   2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10
   2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10
   2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10 -7.27213061e+10 -7.27213061e+10
  -7.27213061e+10 -7.27213061e+10 -1.11149798e+11 -1.11149798e+11
  -4.75340356e+10 -4.75340356e+10 -4.75340356e+10 -4.75340356e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
   7.77435303e-03  7.56797791e-02]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.87

This additional feature significantly improves the score of the model, with a cross validation mean of 0.86 (0.75 for the baseline) and a metric of 0.87 (0.76 for the baseline). Thus, we accept this feature.

hours_FE_sel  = hours_FE3.copy()

Difference with Season Average Temperature

The variable diff_season_avg_temp is added to identify days with clement temperature compared to the seasonal average.

hours_FE4 = hours_FE_sel.copy()

def diff_season_avg_temp_calc(df, row):
    if (row['season_spring'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.season_spring == 1].mean()
    elif (row['season_winter'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.season_winter == 1].mean()
    elif (row['season_fall'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.season_fall == 1].mean()
    elif (row['season_summer'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.season_summer == 1].mean()
hours_FE4['diff_season_avg_temp'] = hours_FE4.apply(lambda row: diff_season_avg_temp_calc(hours_FE4, row), axis=1)
pipeline(hours_FE4, 'total_bikes', lm, 10)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  59 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  59 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  59 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [4.6573675e+11]
Coefficients: [[-2.61720246e+07 -1.42240450e-02 -7.65053555e-03 -3.86914203e+11
  -3.86914203e+11 -3.86914203e+11 -3.86914203e+11 -3.86914203e+11
  -3.86914203e+11 -3.86914203e+11  9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10
   9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10
   9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10
   9.24043347e+10  9.24043347e+10 -3.58721885e+11 -3.58721885e+11
  -3.58721885e+11 -3.58721885e+11  6.43884704e+10  6.43884704e+10
   1.37878712e+11  1.37885269e+11  1.37889588e+11  1.37882023e+11
  -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10
  -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10
  -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10
  -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10
  -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10
  -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10 -1.47647244e+10
   7.99560547e-03  7.56072998e-02  2.61720247e+07]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.87

This additional feature gives a similar result than the previously selected features, with a cross validation mean of 0.86 (0.86 for the previously selected features) and a metric of 0.87 (0.87 for the previously selected features). With no clear score improvement, we reject this feature.

Difference with Monthly Average Temperature

The variable diff_month_avg_temp is added to identify days with clement temperature compared to the monthly average.

hours_FE5 = hours_FE_sel.copy()

def diff_month_avg_temp_calc(df, row):
    if (row['month_jan'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_jan == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_feb'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_feb == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_mar'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_mar == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_apr'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_apr == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_may'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_may == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_jun'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_jun == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_jul'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_jul == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_aug'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_aug == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_sep'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_sep == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_oct'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_oct == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_nov'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_nov == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_dec'] == 1):
        return row['actual_temp'] - df.actual_temp[df.month_dec == 1].mean()
hours_FE5['diff_month_avg_temp'] = hours_FE5.apply(lambda row: diff_month_avg_temp_calc(hours_FE5, row), axis=1)
pipeline(hours_FE5, 'total_bikes', lm, 10)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  59 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  59 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  59 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [-4.62665386e+10]
Coefficients: [[-1.55822185e+08 -1.41683593e-02 -6.73714280e-03 -2.43829821e+10
  -2.43829821e+10 -2.43829821e+10 -2.43829821e+10 -2.43829821e+10
  -2.43829821e+10 -2.43829821e+10  3.78037507e+09  3.79032226e+09
   3.80474283e+09  3.81732276e+09  3.83716267e+09  3.85136138e+09
   3.86270988e+09  3.85527409e+09  3.84061432e+09  3.82005130e+09
   3.80129198e+09  3.79413171e+09 -2.52726507e+10 -2.52726507e+10
  -2.52726507e+10 -2.52726507e+10  1.29666216e+10  1.29666216e+10
   7.68476380e+10  7.68476380e+10  7.68476380e+10  7.68476380e+10
   2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09
   2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09
   2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09
   2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09
   2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09
   2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09  2.36214338e+09
   8.10241699e-03  7.56788254e-02  1.55822185e+08]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.87

This additional feature gives a similar result than the previously selected features, with a cross validation mean of 0.86 (0.86 for the previously selected features) and a metric of 0.87 (0.87 for the previously selected features). With no clear score improvement, we reject this feature.

Difference with Season Average Humidity

The variable diff_season_avg_humi is added to identify days with clement humidity compared to the seasonal average.

hours_FE6 = hours_FE_sel.copy()

def diff_season_avg_humi_calc(df, row):
    if (row['season_spring'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.season_spring == 1].mean()
    elif (row['season_winter'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.season_winter == 1].mean()
    elif (row['season_fall'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.season_fall == 1].mean()
    elif (row['season_summer'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.season_summer == 1].mean()
hours_FE6['diff_season_avg_humi'] = hours_FE6.apply(lambda row: diff_season_avg_humi_calc(hours_FE6, row), axis=1)
pipeline(hours_FE6, 'total_bikes', lm, 10)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  59 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  59 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  59 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [1.23325853e+12]
Coefficients: [[ 5.59360299e-02  8.46591328e+11 -5.46334928e-03 -8.25692357e+11
  -8.25692357e+11 -8.25692357e+11 -8.25692357e+11 -8.25692357e+11
  -8.25692357e+11 -8.25692357e+11  1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11
   1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11
   1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11
   1.39536560e+11  1.39536560e+11 -2.67182249e+11 -2.67182249e+11
  -2.67182249e+11 -2.67182249e+11 -1.09367864e+12 -1.09367864e+12
   1.75229437e+11  1.36562580e+11  1.31360057e+11  1.02612329e+11
   1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11
   1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11
   1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11
   1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11
   1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11
   1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11  1.46364188e+11
   7.44628906e-03  7.54699707e-02 -8.46591328e+11]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.87

This additional feature gives a similar result than the previously selected features, with a cross validation mean of 0.86 (0.86 for the previously selected features) and a metric of 0.87 (0.87 for the previously selected features). With no clear score improvement, we reject this feature.

Difference with Monthly Average Humidity

The variable diff_month_avg_humi is added to identify days with clement humidity compared to the monthly average.

hours_FE7 = hours_FE_sel.copy()

def diff_month_avg_humi_calc(df, row):
    if (row['month_jan'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_jan == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_feb'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_feb == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_mar'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_mar == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_apr'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_apr == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_may'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_may == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_jun'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_jun == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_jul'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_jul == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_aug'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_aug == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_sep'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_sep == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_oct'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_oct == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_nov'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_nov == 1].mean()
    elif (row['month_dec'] == 1):
        return row['humidity'] - df.humidity[df.month_dec == 1].mean()
hours_FE7['diff_month_avg_humi'] = hours_FE7.apply(lambda row: diff_month_avg_humi_calc(hours_FE7, row), axis=1)
pipeline(hours_FE7, 'total_bikes', lm, 10)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  59 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  59 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  59 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [7.70562844e+09]
Coefficients: [[ 5.58948421e-02 -6.30648379e+09 -6.85740835e-03 -2.08969047e+09
  -2.08969047e+09 -2.08969047e+09 -2.08969047e+09 -2.08969047e+09
  -2.08969047e+09 -2.08969047e+09  9.32892142e+07  6.76624794e+06
   1.44490534e+08  1.38591247e+08  7.74563602e+08  6.09674428e+07
   2.00156513e+08  4.48321535e+08  9.35349864e+08  7.77916592e+08
   3.71496671e+08  6.30508678e+08 -2.53720275e+08 -2.53720275e+08
  -2.53720275e+08 -2.53720275e+08 -2.36857106e+09 -2.36857106e+09
   6.16368716e+08  6.16368716e+08  6.16368716e+08  6.16368716e+08
  -3.96743854e+07 -3.96743854e+07 -3.96743854e+07 -3.96743854e+07
  -3.96743854e+07 -3.96743854e+07 -3.96743854e+07 -3.96743853e+07
  -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07
  -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07
  -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07
  -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07 -3.96743853e+07
   8.21161270e-03  7.56645203e-02  6.30648379e+09]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.87

This additional feature gives a similar result than the previously selected features, with a cross validation mean of 0.86 (0.86 for the previously selected features) and a metric of 0.87 (0.87 for the previously selected features). With no clear score improvement, we reject this feature.

Polynomial Features

The polynomial variables actual_temp_poly_2, actual_temp_poly_3, humidity_poly_2, humidity_poly_3, windspeed_poly_2, windspeed_poly_3 are added to identify potential polynomial relationship between the target and the corresponding variables.

hours_FE8 = hours_FE_sel.copy()
degree = 3
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree)
list_var = ['actual_temp', 'humidity', 'windspeed']

def add_poly(df, degree, list_var):
    poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree)
    for var in list_var:
        poly_mat = poly.fit_transform(df[var].values.reshape(-1,1))
        for i in range(2, degree+1):
            df[var + '_poly_' + str(i)] = poly_mat[:,i]    

add_poly(hours_FE8, degree, list_var)
pipeline(hours_FE8, 'total_bikes', lm, 10)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  64 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  64 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  64 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [3.14761207e+08]
Coefficients: [[-3.21837527e-02  7.96930822e-02  6.33737208e-03  1.73710809e+09
   1.73710809e+09  1.73710809e+09  1.73710809e+09  1.73710809e+09
   1.73710809e+09  1.73710809e+09  2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09
   2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09
   2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09
   2.72601827e+09  2.72601827e+09  6.66054423e+09  6.66054423e+09
   6.66054423e+09  6.66054423e+09 -2.55140150e+10 -2.55140150e+10
   1.22608580e+10  1.22608580e+10  1.22608580e+10  1.22608580e+10
   1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09
   1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09
   1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09
   1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09
   1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09
   1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09  1.81472515e+09
   7.60912895e-03  7.50988722e-02  2.85063982e-01 -2.34069645e-01
  -1.20566487e-01  4.08276320e-02 -1.73446387e-02 -5.41973263e-02]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.87

This additional feature gives a similar result than the previously selected features, with a cross validation mean of 0.86 (0.86 for the previously selected features) and a metric of 0.87 (0.87 for the previously selected features). With no clear score improvement, we reject this feature.

Hours Bins

The hour variables seem to be important for the model, but they are numerous. In order to reduce the number of variables, they will be binned into similar ranges.

hours_FE9 = hours_FE_sel.copy()

def bin_hours(row):
    if (row['hour_0'] == 1) | (row['hour_1'] == 1) | (row['hour_2'] == 1) | (row['hour_3'] == 1) :
        return '00-03'
    if (row['hour_4'] == 1) | (row['hour_5'] == 1) | (row['hour_6'] == 1) | (row['hour_7'] == 1) :
        return '04-07'
    if (row['hour_8'] == 1) | (row['hour_9'] == 1) | (row['hour_10'] == 1) | (row['hour_11'] == 1):
        return '08-11'
    if (row['hour_12'] == 1) | (row['hour_13'] == 1) | (row['hour_14'] == 1) | (row['hour_15'] == 1): 
        return '12-15'
    if (row['hour_16'] == 1) | (row['hour_17'] == 1) |(row['hour_18'] == 1) | (row['hour_19'] == 1):
        return '16-19'
    if (row['hour_20'] == 1) | (row['hour_21'] == 1) | (row['hour_22'] == 1) | (row['hour_23'] == 1):
        return '20-23'

hours_FE9['hours'] = hours_FE9.apply(lambda row: bin_hours(row), axis=1)
16-19    2916
12-15    2915
20-23    2912
08-11    2908
04-07    2866
00-03    2862
Name: hours, dtype: int64
hours_FE9 = onehot_encode_single(hours_FE9, 'hours')
hours_FE9.drop(['hour_0', 'hour_1', 'hour_2', 'hour_3', 'hour_4', 'hour_5', 'hour_6', 'hour_7', 'hour_8', 'hour_9', 'hour_10', 'hour_11', 'hour_12', 'hour_13', 'hour_14', 'hour_15', 'hour_16', 'hour_17', 'hour_18', 'hour_19', 'hour_20', 'hour_21', 'hour_22', 'hour_23'],axis=1, inplace=True)
dtype NAs Numerical Boolean Categorical Date
actual_temp float64 0 True False False False
humidity float64 0 True False False False
windspeed float64 0 True False False False
total_bikes float64 0 True False False False
weekday_sunday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_monday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_tuesday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_wednesday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_thursday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_friday uint8 0 False True False False
weekday_saturday uint8 0 False True False False
month_jan uint8 0 False True False False
month_feb uint8 0 False True False False
month_mar uint8 0 False True False False
month_apr uint8 0 False True False False
month_may uint8 0 False True False False
month_jun uint8 0 False True False False
month_jul uint8 0 False True False False
month_aug uint8 0 False True False False
month_sep uint8 0 False True False False
month_oct uint8 0 False True False False
month_nov uint8 0 False True False False
month_dec uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_clear uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_mist uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_light_rain uint8 0 False True False False
weather_condition_heavy_rain uint8 0 False True False False
year_2011 uint8 0 False True False False
year_2012 uint8 0 False True False False
season_winter uint8 0 False True False False
season_spring uint8 0 False True False False
season_summer uint8 0 False True False False
season_fall uint8 0 False True False False
workingday_yes uint8 0 False True False False
calculated_peak int64 0 False True False False
hours_00-03 uint8 0 False True False False
hours_04-07 uint8 0 False True False False
hours_08-11 uint8 0 False True False False
hours_12-15 uint8 0 False True False False
hours_16-19 uint8 0 False True False False
hours_20-23 uint8 0 False True False False
pipeline(hours_FE9, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot = True)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  40 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  40 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  40 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.81

Intercept: [2.24266078e+11]
Coefficients: [[ 4.85610471e-02 -1.26518493e-02 -2.34645434e-03  4.89770228e+10
   4.89770228e+10  4.89770228e+10  4.89770228e+10  4.89770228e+10
   4.89770228e+10  4.89770228e+10 -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11
  -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11
  -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11
  -1.14377521e+11 -1.14377521e+11  2.07569758e+10  2.07569758e+10
   2.07569758e+10  2.07569758e+10 -2.08581485e+11 -2.08581485e+11
   2.31978847e+09  2.31978847e+09  2.31978847e+09  2.31978847e+09
   8.10113869e-03  8.87638113e-02  2.66391410e+10  2.66391410e+10
   2.66391410e+10  2.66391410e+10  2.66391410e+10  2.66391410e+10]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.83

hours_FE_sel_lite = hours_FE9.copy()

This additional feature decreases slightly the results with the previously selected features, with a cross validation mean of 0.81 (0.86 for the previously selected features) and a metric of 0.83 (0.87 for the previously selected features). However, it decreases significantly the number of features from 59 to 40. The resulting dataset will be kept to be tested during the Features Selection phase.

Features Selection

print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('Dataset:', hours_FE_sel.shape[0],'rows |', hours_FE_sel.shape[1], 'columns'))
pipeline(hours_FE_sel, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot = True)
Dataset:   17379 rows |  59 columns

Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  58 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  58 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  58 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [3.04077307e+11]
Coefficients: [[ 5.58312891e-02 -1.40752626e-02 -7.26315649e-03 -8.23476934e+10
  -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10
  -8.23476934e+10 -8.23476934e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10
   2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10
   2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10
   2.56416548e+10  2.56416548e+10 -7.27213061e+10 -7.27213061e+10
  -7.27213061e+10 -7.27213061e+10 -1.11149798e+11 -1.11149798e+11
  -4.75340356e+10 -4.75340356e+10 -4.75340356e+10 -4.75340356e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
  -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10 -1.59661283e+10
   7.77435303e-03  7.56797791e-02]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.87

The dataset resulting from the Feature Engineering phase contains 58 features, with a model reaching the accuracy of 0.87. The Feature Selection phase aims to reduce the number of variables used by the model.

Recursive Feature Elimination (Model A)

The Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) method is used to select the most relevant features for the model. In order to find which number of features provides the best score, the dataset will be tested against each possibility.

def pipeline_rfe_multi(df, target, algorithm, range_def, scores):
    features = list_features(df, target)
    X, X_train, X_test, y, y_train, y_test = train_test_split_0(df, target, features)
    for i in range_def:
        rfe = RFE(algorithm, i)
        rfe =, y.values.ravel())
        cols_rfe = list(X.loc[:, rfe.support_])
        X_rfe_sel = X_train[cols_rfe]
        X_rfe_test_sel = X_test[cols_rfe], y_train)
        y_pred = algorithm.predict(X_rfe_test_sel)
        result_model = [i, '{:.2f}'.format(r2_score(y_test, y_pred)), cols_rfe]
        scores.loc[i] = result_model
        print(i, end='   ')
scores = pd.DataFrame(columns=['features','score', 'cols'])
range_def = range(1, len(hours_FE_sel.columns))
pipeline_rfe_multi(hours_FE_sel, 'total_bikes', lm, range_def, scores)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  58 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  58 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  58 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   
scores['features'] = scores['features'].astype('float')
scores['score'] = scores['score'].astype('float')
# Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = scores['features'],
             y = scores['score'],
             color = 'steelblue')

scores.nlargest(10, 'score')
features score cols
55 55.0 0.87 [actual_temp, weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, ...
56 56.0 0.87 [actual_temp, humidity, weekday_sunday, weekda...
57 57.0 0.87 [actual_temp, humidity, weekday_sunday, weekda...
58 58.0 0.87 [actual_temp, humidity, windspeed, weekday_sun...
54 54.0 0.86 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
49 49.0 0.74 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
50 50.0 0.74 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
52 52.0 0.74 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
45 45.0 0.73 [month_jan, month_feb, month_mar, month_apr, m...
46 46.0 0.73 [month_jan, month_feb, month_mar, month_apr, m...
set(scores.iloc[57]['cols']) - set(scores.iloc[53]['cols'])
{'actual_temp', 'humidity', 'windspeed', 'workingday_yes'}

The RFE offers to reduce the number of features to 54 without degrading significantly the performance of the model. The numerical weather variables and the working day flag are the first ones to be dropped by the RFE algorithm for a score of 0.86.

hours_FE_sel_afterRFE = hours_FE_sel.copy()
hours_FE_sel_afterRFE.drop(['actual_temp', 'humidity', 'windspeed', 'workingday_yes'],axis=1, inplace=True)
print('{:<9} {:>6} {:>6} {:>3} {:>6}'.format('Dataset:', hours_FE_sel_afterRFE.shape[0],'rows |', hours_FE_sel_afterRFE.shape[1], 'columns'))
pipeline(hours_FE_sel_afterRFE, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot = True)
Dataset:   17379 rows |  55 columns

Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  54 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  54 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  54 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.85

Intercept: [-4.10471561e+11]
Coefficients: [[-1.18736740e+10 -1.18736740e+10 -1.18736740e+10 -1.18736740e+10
  -1.18736740e+10 -1.18736740e+10 -1.18736740e+10 -1.91639115e+11
  -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11
  -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11
  -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11 -1.91639115e+11  1.84178802e+10
   1.84178802e+10  1.84178802e+10  1.84178802e+10  8.28131431e+11
   8.28131431e+11 -2.46853924e+11 -2.46853924e+11 -2.46853924e+11
  -2.46853924e+11  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10
   1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10
   1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10
   1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10
   1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10
   1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10  1.42889633e+10
   1.42889633e+10  7.80105591e-02]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.86

Recursive Feature Elimination on Lite Dataset

The lite version using the binned hours will be tested.

scores_lite = pd.DataFrame(columns=['features','score', 'cols'])
range_def = range(1, len(hours_FE_sel_lite.columns))
pipeline_rfe_multi(hours_FE_sel_lite, 'total_bikes', lm, range_def, scores_lite)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  40 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  40 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  40 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   
scores_lite['features'] = scores_lite['features'].astype('float')
scores_lite['score'] = scores_lite['score'].astype('float')
# Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = scores_lite['features'],
             y = scores_lite['score'],
             color = 'steelblue')

scores_lite.nlargest(10, 'score')
features score cols
39 39.0 0.83 [actual_temp, humidity, weekday_sunday, weekda...
40 40.0 0.83 [actual_temp, humidity, windspeed, weekday_sun...
36 36.0 0.82 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
37 37.0 0.82 [actual_temp, weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, ...
38 38.0 0.82 [actual_temp, humidity, weekday_sunday, weekda...
34 34.0 0.63 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
35 35.0 0.63 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
33 33.0 0.62 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
32 32.0 0.54 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
31 31.0 0.38 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
set(scores_lite.iloc[39]['cols']) - set(scores_lite.iloc[35]['cols'])
{'actual_temp', 'humidity', 'windspeed', 'workingday_yes'}

The score can be 0.82 with only 36 features. The numerical weather variables and the working day flag are the first ones to be dropped by the RFE algorithm.

Manual Selection (Model B)

Some features seem to have a lower importance for the model. They will be manually removed from the dataset to see how the score gets degrated:

  • The meteorological features would simplify the inputs for the model, if removed. Thus, actual_temp, humidity, windspeed and the weather_condition categorical variables will be removed.
  • The workingday_yes variable is also removed, as it most of the time duplicates information already conveyed by the weekdays and predefined peak variables - it would need to compromise with a loss of performance on holidays.
  • The seasons variables also most of the time are doublons with the months variables - not using them would only sacrifice on some performance for the few weeks
hours_manual = hours_FE_sel.copy()
hours_manual.drop(['actual_temp', 'humidity', 'windspeed', 'weather_condition_clear',
                   'weather_condition_mist', 'weather_condition_light_rain', 'weather_condition_heavy_rain',
                   'season_fall', 'season_summer', 'season_spring', 'season_winter'],axis=1, inplace=True)
scores_manual = pd.DataFrame(columns=['features','score', 'cols'])
range_def = range(1, len(hours_manual.columns))
pipeline_rfe_multi(hours_manual, 'total_bikes', lm, range_def, scores_manual)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  46 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  46 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  46 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   
scores_manual['features'] = scores_manual['features'].astype('float')
scores_manual['score'] = scores_manual['score'].astype('float')
# Line Plot
sns.lineplot(x = scores_manual['features'],
             y = scores_manual['score'],
             color = 'steelblue')

scores_manual.nlargest(10, 'score')
features score cols
46 46.0 0.85 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
40 40.0 0.69 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
41 41.0 0.69 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
42 42.0 0.69 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
43 43.0 0.69 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
44 44.0 0.69 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
45 45.0 0.69 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
39 39.0 0.68 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
38 38.0 0.67 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
37 37.0 0.66 [weekday_sunday, weekday_monday, weekday_tuesd...
set(scores_manual.iloc[45]['cols']) - set(scores_manual.iloc[44]['cols'])
pipeline(hours_manual, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot=True)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  46 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  46 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  46 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.84

Intercept: [-2.12978138e+10]
Coefficients: [[-4.86291443e+09 -4.86291443e+09 -4.86291443e+09 -4.86291443e+09
  -4.86291443e+09 -4.86291443e+09 -4.86291443e+09  2.79941307e+10
   2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10
   2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10
   2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10  2.79941307e+10 -7.97207232e+08
  -7.97207232e+08 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09
  -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09
  -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09
  -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09
  -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09
  -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09 -1.03619528e+09
  -1.03619528e+09  8.18070313e-02]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.85

Using a simpllified hours notation and keeping only information of time and peaks allow the model to reach a score of 0.85 with only 46 variables. It is also important to note that the additional feature describing the utilization peaks allow the score to jump from 0.59 to 0.85.

Manual Selection with Rain information

hours_manual_rain = hours_FE_sel.copy()
hours_manual_rain.drop(['actual_temp', 'humidity', 'windspeed',
                        'season_fall', 'season_summer', 'season_spring', 'season_winter'],axis=1, inplace=True)
pipeline(hours_manual_rain, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot=True)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  50 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  50 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  50 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.85

Intercept: [-4.34852677e+11]
Coefficients: [[-1.01713171e+10 -1.01713171e+10 -1.01713171e+10 -1.01713171e+10
  -1.01713171e+10 -1.01713171e+10 -1.01713171e+10 -2.13384638e+10
  -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10
  -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10
  -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10 -2.13384638e+10  1.81812217e+08
   1.81812217e+08  1.81812217e+08  1.81812217e+08  4.84548367e+11
   4.84548367e+11 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10
  -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10
  -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10
  -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10
  -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10
  -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10 -1.83677211e+10
  -1.83677211e+10  7.83733130e-02]]
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.85

Adding back the rain information weather_condition, the model can integrate a simple weather input to slightly precise its predictions and reach a score of 0.86. The model now uses 50 features.

Manual Selection with Full Weather information

hours_manual_full_weather = hours_FE_sel.copy()
                                'season_fall', 'season_summer', 'season_spring', 'season_winter'],axis=1, inplace=True)
pipeline(hours_manual_full_weather, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot=True)
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  53 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  53 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  53 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Cross Validation Variance score (R2): 0.86

Intercept: [-8.03303862e+11]
Coefficients: [[ 5.44778953e-02 -1.36230355e-02 -7.33860489e-03 -3.51437246e+11
  -3.51437246e+11 -3.51437246e+11 -3.51437246e+11 -3.51437246e+11
  -3.51437246e+11 -3.51437246e+11 -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10
  -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10
  -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10
  -4.06576240e+10 -4.06576240e+10  2.10524047e+11  2.10524047e+11
   2.10524047e+11  2.10524047e+11  9.45232488e+11  9.45232488e+11
   3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10
   3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10
   3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10
   3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10
   3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10
   3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10  3.96421972e+10
Mean squared error (MSE): 0.00
Variance score (R2): 0.86

If a more precise meteorological information is taken in account, the model keeps the score of 0.86 with 53 features.

Final Metric

The Feature Selection phase suggested several acceptable models, which mainly differ on the number of features used and the resulting performance. Depending on the accuracy expected by the business, one of these models will be selected:

  1. Model with Time and Peaks information - Model B:
    Score: 0.85 | Features: 46
  2. Model with Time, Peaks and Rain information:
    Score: 0.86 | Features: 50
  3. Model with Time, Peaks and Full Weather information and Binned Hours:
    Score: 0.86 | Features: 53
  4. Complete Model with Binned Hours:
    Score: 0.82 | Features: 36
  5. Complete Model - Model A:
    Score: 0.86 | Features: 54

Based on the predictions and the way they fit the actual values, the models A and B are preferable.

def pipeline_short(df, target, algorithm, n_splits = 10, plot=True):
    features = list_features(df, target)
    X, X_train, X_test, y, y_train, y_test = train_test_split_0(df, target, features)
#     cross_val_ts(algorithm,X_train, y_train, n_splits), y_train)
    y_pred = lm.predict(X_test)
    y_test_prep = pd.concat([y_test,pd.DataFrame(pd.DatetimeIndex(hours_df['date']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))], axis=1, sort=False, ignore_index=False)
    y_test_prep = y_test_prep.dropna()
    y_test_prep = y_test_prep.set_index(0)
    y_pred_prep = pd.DataFrame(y_pred)
    y_total_prep = pd.concat([y_test_prep.reset_index(drop=False), y_pred_prep.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1)
    y_total_prep.columns = ['Date', 'Actual Total Bikes', 'Predicted Total Bikes']
    y_total_prep = y_total_prep.set_index('Date')

#     print()
#     print('Intercept:', lm.intercept_)
#     print('Coefficients:', lm.coef_)
#     print('Mean squared error (MSE): {:.2f}'.format(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)))
    print('Variance score (R2): {:.2f}'.format(r2_score(y_test, y_pred)))
    if (plot == True):
        g = sns.lineplot(data=y_total_prep, ci=None, lw=1, dashes=False)
        g.set_xticks(['2012-09-01', '2012-10-01', '2012-11-01', '2012-12-01', '2012-12-31'])
        g.legend(loc='lower left', ncol=1)
print('#### Model A ####')
pipeline_short(hours_FE_sel_afterRFE, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot = True)
#### Model A ####
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  54 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  54 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  54 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Variance score (R2): 0.86

print('#### Model B ####')
pipeline_short(hours_manual, 'total_bikes', lm, 10, plot=True)
#### Model B ####
Same indexes for X and y:                True
Same indexes for X_train and y_train:    True
Same indexes for X_test and y_test:      True

Features:        17379 items |  46 columns
Features Train:  14491 items |  46 columns
Features Test:    2888 items |  46 columns
Target:          17379 items |   1 columns
Target Train:    14491 items |   1 columns
Target Test:      2888 items |   1 columns

Variance score (R2): 0.85

The Model A is better at predicting the peaks, which would ensure there will be no shortage and a better service level for the users.

The Model B is much more simple, as it doesn’t consider the weather parameters. It is still a good model and seems to be more stable with less variations.

A conservative approach would prefer the Model A to provide the best service to the bike sharing service users.

Further Work

A couple of ideas to improve the models and get them ready for production:

  • The Calculated Peaks feature should be set up to use a moving average instead of a global mean. It would allow the model to adapt to the latest trend, especially if the utilization gets higher every year.
  • More exploration of the Day and Month-Day features might be possible, if using the elapsed percentage of the month or different periods such as 4-weeks periods, to adapt to the local practices.
  • Other algorithms could be applied on top of the linear regression to improve the model score and get more precise predictions. However, the benefits from a very precise model would need to be evaluated, as it might not be relevant compared to the response time of the operations and logistics of the bike sharing system.