Bank Marketing

52 minute read

All the files of this project are saved in a GitHub repository.

Bank Marketing Dataset

The Bank Marketing dataset contains the direct marketing campaigns of a Portuguese banking institution. The original dataset can be found on Kaggle.

All the files of this project are saved in a GitHub repository.

The dataset consists in:

  • Train Set with 36,168 observations with 16 features and the target y.
  • Test Set with 9,043 observations with 16 features. The y column will be added to the Test Set, with NAs, to ease the pre-processing stage.

This project aims to predict if a customer will subscribe to a bank term deposit, based on its features and call history of previous marketing campaigns.


This analysis requires these R packages:

  • Data Manipulation: data.table, dplyr, tibble, tidyr
  • Plotting: corrplot, GGally, ggmap, ggplot2, grid, gridExtra, ggthemes, tufte
  • Machine Learning: AUC, caret, caretEnsemble, flexclust, glmnet, MLmetrics, pROC, ranger, xgboost
  • Multithreading: doParallel, factoextra, foreach, parallel
  • Reporting: kableExtra, knitr, RColorBrewer, rsconnect, shiny, shinydashboard, and… beepr.

These packages are installed and loaded if necessary by the main script.

Data Loading

The data seems to be pretty clean, the variables being a combination of integers and factors with no null values.

## [1] "0 columns of the Train Set have NAs."
## [1] "0 columns of the Test Set have NAs."

As this analysis is a classification, the target y has to be set as factor. The structures of the datasets after initial preparation are:

## Structure of the Train Set:
## 'data.frame':    36168 obs. of  17 variables:
##  $ age      : int  50 47 56 36 41 32 26 60 39 55 ...
##  $ job      : Factor w/ 12 levels "admin.","blue-collar",..: 3 10 4 2 5 9 9 2 8 1 ...
##  $ marital  : Factor w/ 3 levels "divorced","married",..: 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 ...
##  $ education: Factor w/ 4 levels "primary","secondary",..: 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 ...
##  $ default  : num  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ balance  : int  537 -938 605 4608 362 0 782 193 2140 873 ...
##  $ housing  : num  1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ...
##  $ loan     : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
##  $ contact  : Factor w/ 3 levels "cellular","telephone",..: 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 ...
##  $ day      : int  20 28 19 14 12 4 29 12 16 3 ...
##  $ month    : Factor w/ 12 levels "apr","aug","dec",..: 7 9 2 9 9 4 5 9 1 7 ...
##  $ duration : int  11 176 207 284 217 233 297 89 539 131 ...
##  $ campaign : int  15 2 6 7 3 3 1 2 1 1 ...
##  $ pdays    : int  -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 276 -1 -1 -1 -1 ...
##  $ previous : int  0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ poutcome : Factor w/ 4 levels "failure","other",..: 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 ...
##  $ y        : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ...

## Structure of the Test Set:
## 'data.frame':    9043 obs. of  17 variables:
##  $ age      : int  58 43 51 56 32 54 58 54 32 38 ...
##  $ job      : Factor w/ 12 levels "admin.","blue-collar",..: 5 10 6 5 2 6 7 2 5 5 ...
##  $ marital  : Factor w/ 3 levels "divorced","married",..: 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 ...
##  $ education: Factor w/ 4 levels "primary","secondary",..: 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 ...
##  $ default  : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ balance  : int  2143 593 229 779 23 529 -364 1291 0 424 ...
##  $ housing  : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ loan     : num  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ contact  : Factor w/ 3 levels "cellular","telephone",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
##  $ day      : int  5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
##  $ month    : Factor w/ 12 levels "apr","aug","dec",..: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ...
##  $ duration : int  261 55 353 164 160 1492 355 266 179 104 ...
##  $ campaign : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ pdays    : int  -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ...
##  $ previous : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ poutcome : Factor w/ 4 levels "failure","other",..: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
##  $ y        : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

Exploratory Data Analysis

The target of this analysis is the variable y. This boolean indicates whether the customer has acquiered a bank term deposit account. With 88.4% of the customers not having subscribed to this product, we can say that our Train set is slightly unbalanced. We might want to try rebalancing our dataset later in this analysis, to ensure our model is performing properly for unknown data.

The features of the dataset provide different type of information about the customers.

  • Variables giving personal information of the customers:
    • age of the customer
      Customers are between 18 and 95 years old, with a mean of 41 and a median of 39. The inter-quartile range is between 33 and 48. We can also notice the presence of some outliers.
    • job category of the customer
      There are 12 categories of jobs with more than half belonging to blue-collar, management and technicians, followed by admin and services. Retired candidates form 5% of the dataset, self-emplyed and entrepreneur around 6% and unemployed, housemaid and students each around 2%. The candidate with unknow jobs form less than 1%.
    • marital status of the customer
      60% are married, 28% are single, the others are divorced.
    • education level of the customer
      51% of the customers went to secondary school, 29% to tertiary school, 15% to primary school. The education of the other customers remains unknown.
  • Variables related to financial status of the customers:
    • default history
      This boolean indicates if the customer has already defaulted. Only 1.8% of the customers have defaulted.
    • balance of customer’s account
      The average yearly balance of the customer in euros. The variable is ranged from -8,019 to 98,417 with a mean of 1,360 and a median of 448. The data is highly right-skewed.
    • housing loan
      This boolean indicates if the customer has a house loan. 56% of the customers have one.
    • loan
      This boolean indicates if the customer has a personal loan. 16% of the customers have one.
  • Variables related to campaign interactions with the customer:
    • contact mode
      How the customer was contacted, with 65% on their mobile phone, and 6% ona landline.
    • day
      This indicates on which day of the month the customer was contacted.
    • month
      This indicates on which month the customer was contacted. May seems to be the peak month with 31% of the calls followed by June, July, and August.
    • duration of the call
      Last phone call duration in seconds. The average call lasts around 4 minutes. However, the longest call lasts 1.4 hours.
      Using duration would make our model deployable, but we decided to use it for the sake of the project. However, if we would ignore it, we would try developing a model that will actually be able to predict the time of the call based on the other data.
    • campaign
      Number of times the customer was contacted during this campaign. Customers can have been contacted up to 63 times. Around 66% were contacted twice or less.
    • pdays
      Number of days that passed after the customer was last contacted from a previous campaign. -1 means that the client was not previously contacted and this is his first campaign. Around 82% of the candidates are newly campaign clients. The average time elapsed is 40 days.
    • previous contacts
      Number of contacts performed before this campaign. Majority of the customers were never contacted. Other customers have been contacted 1 times on average, with a maximum of 58 times.
    • poutcome This categorical variable indicates the outcome from a previous campaign, whether it was a success or a failure. About 3% of the customers answered positively to previous campaigns.

A quick look at the Test Set shows that the variables follow almost similar distributions.


# Load Packages

# Load Data
df <- readRDS('data/bank_train.rds')

for (i in c('age', 'balance', 'day', 'duration', 'pdays')){
    df[, i] <- as.numeric(df[ ,i])

for (i in c('job', 'marital', 'education', 'previous', 'campaign', 'default', 'housing', 'loan', 'contact', 'month', 'poutcome', 'y')){
    df[, i] <- as.factor(df[ ,i])

# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(
            inputId = 'feature',
            label = 'Feature',
            choices = sort(names(df)),
            selected = 'age'
    conditionalPanel("output.class_feat == 'factor'",
                     plotOutput("fact_plot_1", height = 200)),
    conditionalPanel("output.class_feat == 'factor'",
                     plotOutput("fact_plot_2", height = 200)),
    conditionalPanel("output.class_feat != 'factor'",
                     plotOutput("num_plot_1", height = 200)),
    conditionalPanel("output.class_feat != 'factor'",
                     plotOutput("num_plot_2", height = 200)),
    conditionalPanel("output.class_feat != 'factor'",
                     plotOutput("num_plot_3", height = 200))

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
    output$class_feat <- reactive({
        class_feat <- class(df[, input$feature])
    output$fact_plot_1 <- renderPlot({
        if (class(df[, input$feature]) == 'factor'){
            ggplot(data = df, aes(x = df[, input$feature])) +
            geom_bar(color = 'darkcyan', fill = 'darkcyan', alpha = 0.4) +
            theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=10, angle=90,hjust=0.95,vjust=0.2))+
            xlab(df[, input$feature])+
            theme_tufte(base_size = 5, ticks=F)+
            theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,10,10),'pt'),
                  axis.text = element_text(size = 10, family = 'Helvetica'),
                  axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 10, family = 'Helvetica', angle = 45),
                  legend.position = 'None')
    output$fact_plot_2 <- renderPlot({
        if (class(df[, input$feature]) == 'factor'){
            mytable <- table(df[, input$feature], df$y)
            tab <-, 2))
            colnames(tab) <-  c('var', "y", "perc")

        ggplot(data = tab, aes(x = var, y = perc)) +
            geom_bar(aes(fill = y),stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge', alpha = 2/3) +
            theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=10, angle=90,hjust=0.95,vjust=0.2))+
            xlab(df[, input$feature])+
            theme_tufte(base_size = 5, ticks=F)+
            theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,10,10),'pt'),
                  axis.text = element_text(size = 10, family = 'Helvetica'),
                  axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 10, family = 'Helvetica', angle = 45),
                  legend.position = 'None')
    output$num_plot_1 <- renderPlot({
        if (class(df[, input$feature]) != 'factor'){
               aes(x = df[, input$feature])) +
            geom_density(color = 'darkcyan', fill = 'darkcyan', alpha = 0.4) +
            geom_vline(aes(xintercept=median(df[, input$feature])),
                       color="darkcyan", linetype="dashed", size=1) +
            theme_minimal() +
            theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                  panel.border = element_blank())+
            labs(x = paste0(toupper(substr(input$feature, 1, 1)), tolower(substr(
                input$feature, 2, nchar(input$feature)))),
                y = 'Density')
    output$num_plot_2 <- renderPlot({
        if (class(df[, input$feature]) != 'factor'){
            ggplot(df, aes(y=df[, input$feature])) +
            geom_boxplot(fill = "darkcyan", color = 'darkcyan', outlier.colour = 'darkcyan', alpha=0.4)+
            theme_tufte(base_size = 5, ticks=F)+
            theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,10,10),'pt'),
                  axis.text = element_text(size = 10, family = 'Helvetica'),
                  axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 10, family = 'Helvetica'),
                  legend.position = 'None')    +
                labs(x = paste0(toupper(substr(input$feature, 1, 1)), tolower(substr(
                    input$feature, 2, nchar(input$feature)))))
    output$num_plot_3 <- renderPlot({
        if (class(df[, input$feature]) != 'factor'){
            # mu <- ddply(df, "y", summarise, grp.median=median(df[, input$feature]))
        ggplot(data = df, aes(x = df[, input$feature], color = y, group = y, fill = y)) + 
            geom_density(alpha=0.4) +
            # geom_vline(data=df, aes(xintercept=median(df[df$y == 1, input$feature])), linetype = "dashed", size = 1)+
            theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
                  panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
                  panel.border = element_blank()) + 
            labs(x = paste0(toupper(substr(input$feature, 1, 1)), tolower(substr(
                input$feature, 2, nchar(input$feature)))),
                y = 'Density')

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 800))

Analysis Method

This flowchart describes the method we used for this analysis.


start_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste0('---START--- Starting at ', start_time))

options(warn = 0) # -1 to hide the warnings, 0 to show them
seed <- 2019

# Install Necessary Packages ----

# Read and Format Dataset ----

# Split and Preprocess Dataset ----

# Model Pipelines ----

# Parameters of Baseline ----

# Baseline Logistic Regression ----
pipeline_glm(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_proc_dum,
             valid_set = bank_train_B_proc_dum, test_set = bank_test_proc_dum,
             trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
             suffix = 'baseline', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
             n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Baseline XGBoost ----
pipeline_xgbTree(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_proc_dum,
                 valid_set = bank_train_B_proc_dum, test_set = bank_test_proc_dum,
                 trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                 suffix = 'baseline', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                 n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Baseline Ranger ----
pipeline_ranger(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_proc_dum,
                 valid_set = bank_train_B_proc_dum, test_set = bank_test_proc_dum,
                 trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                 suffix = 'baseline', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                 n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Feature Engineering Clustering ----
calculate <- FALSE

# Logistic Regression Clustering ----
pipeline_glm(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE1,
             valid_set = bank_train_B_FE1, test_set = bank_test_FE1,
             trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
             suffix = 'FE1 Clustering', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
             n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# XGBoost Clustering ----
pipeline_xgbTree(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE1,
             valid_set = bank_train_B_FE1, test_set = bank_test_FE1,
             trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
             suffix = 'FE1 Clustering', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
             n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Ranger Clustering ----
pipeline_ranger(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE1,
                valid_set = bank_train_B_FE1, test_set = bank_test_FE1,
                trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                suffix = 'FE1 Clustering', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Feature Engineering Binning ----

# Logistic Regression Binning ----
pipeline_glm(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE2,
             valid_set = bank_train_B_FE2, test_set = bank_test_FE2,
             trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
             suffix = 'FE2 Binning', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
             n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# XGBoost Binning ----
pipeline_xgbTree(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE2,
                 valid_set = bank_train_B_FE2, test_set = bank_test_FE2,
                 trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                 suffix = 'FE2 Binning', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                 n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Ranger Binning ----
pipeline_ranger(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE2,
                valid_set = bank_train_B_FE2, test_set = bank_test_FE2,
                trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                suffix = 'FE2 Binning', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Feature Selection Lasso ----

# Feature Selection RFE ----
calculate <- FALSE

# Logistic Regression Post RFE ----
pipeline_glm(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_rfe,
                 valid_set = bank_train_B_rfe, test_set = bank_test_rfe,
                 trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                 suffix = 'RFE', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                 n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# XGBoost Post RFE ----
pipeline_xgbTree(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_rfe,
                 valid_set = bank_train_B_rfe, test_set = bank_test_rfe,
                 trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                 suffix = 'RFE', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                 n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# XGBoost Tuning ----
pipeline_xgbTree(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_rfe,
                 valid_set = bank_train_B_rfe, test_set = bank_test_rfe,
                 trControl = tuningControl, tuneGrid = xgb_grid,
                 suffix = 'Tuning', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                 n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Ranger Tuning ----
pipeline_ranger(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_rfe,
                 valid_set = bank_train_B_rfe, test_set = bank_test_rfe,
                 trControl = tuningControl, tuneGrid = ranger_grid,
                 suffix = 'Tuning', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                 n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Baseline Stacking Logistic Regression | Ranger | xgbTree ----
pipeline_stack(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_proc_dum,
                valid_set = bank_train_B_proc_dum, test_set = bank_test_proc_dum,
                trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
                suffix = 'baseline', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
                n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Baseline Stacking Logistic Regression | Ranger | xgbTree ----
pipeline_stack(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE1,
               valid_set = bank_train_B_FE1, test_set = bank_test_FE1,
               trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
               suffix = 'clustering', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
               n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Baseline Stacking Logistic Regression | Ranger | xgbTree ----
pipeline_stack(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_FE2,
               valid_set = bank_train_B_FE2, test_set = bank_test_FE2,
               trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
               suffix = 'binning', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
               n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Baseline Stacking Logistic Regression | Ranger | xgbTree ----
pipeline_stack(target = 'y', train_set = bank_train_A_rfe,
               valid_set = bank_train_B_rfe, test_set = bank_test_rfe,
               trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid = NULL,
               suffix = 'Tuning', calculate = FALSE, seed = seed,
               n_cores = detectCores()-1)

# Creating the table with the sensitivities for different thresholds

print(paste0('[', round(
  difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
), 'm]: ',
'All operations are over!'))

# Render RMarkdown Report ----
if (is.null(webshot:::find_phantom())) {
    params = list(shiny = FALSE),
    runtime = 'static'
    params = list(shiny = TRUE),
    output_options = list(code_folding = 'hide')
# # invisible(rmarkdown::run('Bank-Marketing-Report.Rmd'))

print(paste0('[', round(
  difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
), 'm]: ',
'Report generated! ---END---'))

Data Preparation

As the Test Set doesn’t contain the feature y, it is necessary to randomly split the Train Set in two, with a 80|20 ratio:

  • Train Set A, which will be used to train our model.
  • Train Set B, which will be used to test our model and validate the performance of the model.

These datasets are ranged from 0 to 1, using the preProcess function of the package caret. These transformations should improve the performance of linear models.

Categorical variables are dummified, using the dummyVars function of the package caret.


seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

# Splitting Train Set into two parts ----

index <-
                      p = 0.8,
                      list = FALSE,
                      times = 1)
bank_train_A <- bank_train[index,]
bank_train_B <- bank_train[-index,]

  ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
    difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
  ), 'm]: '), ''),
  'Train Set is split!'))

# Center and Scale Train Sets and Test Set ----
preProcValues <-
  preProcess(bank_train_A, method = c("range"), rangeBounds = c(0, 1) )
bank_train_A_proc <- predict(preProcValues, bank_train_A)
bank_train_B_proc <- predict(preProcValues, bank_train_B)
bank_test_proc <- predict(preProcValues, bank_test)

# Dummify the datasets
dummy_train <- dummyVars(formula = '~.', data = bank_train_A_proc[, !names(bank_train_A_proc) %in% c('y')])
  predict(dummy_train, bank_train_A_proc[, !names(bank_train_A_proc) %in% c('y')]),
  bank_train_A_proc[, 'y']
colnames(bank_train_A_proc_dum) <- c(colnames(bank_train_A_proc_dum)[-length(colnames(bank_train_A_proc_dum))], 'y')
bank_train_A_proc_dum[,'y'] <- as.factor(bank_train_A_proc_dum[,'y'])
levels(bank_train_A_proc_dum$y) <- c('No', 'Yes')

dummy_valid <- dummyVars(formula = '~.', data = bank_train_B_proc[, !names(bank_train_B_proc) %in% c('y')])
  predict(dummy_valid, bank_train_B_proc[, !names(bank_train_B_proc) %in% c('y')]),
  bank_train_B_proc[, 'y']
colnames(bank_train_B_proc_dum) <- c(colnames(bank_train_B_proc_dum)[-length(colnames(bank_train_B_proc_dum))], 'y')
bank_train_B_proc_dum[,'y'] <- as.factor(bank_train_B_proc_dum[,'y'])
levels(bank_train_B_proc_dum$y) <- c('No', 'Yes')

dummy_test <- dummyVars(formula = '~.', data = bank_test_proc[, !names(bank_test_proc) %in% c('y')])
  predict(dummy_test, bank_test_proc[, !names(bank_test_proc) %in% c('y')]),
  bank_test_proc[, 'y']
colnames(bank_test_proc_dum) <- c(colnames(bank_test_proc_dum)[-length(colnames(bank_test_proc_dum))], 'y')
bank_test_proc_dum[,'y'] <- as.factor(bank_test_proc_dum[,'y'])
levels(bank_test_proc_dum$y) <- c('No', 'Yes')

  ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
    difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
  ), 'm]: '), ''),
  'Data Sets are centered and scaled!'

Cross-Validation Strategy

To validate the stability of our models, we will apply a 10-fold cross-validation, repeated 3 times.

(Note: for the stacking that is explained in the following part of the report we use another, more extensive cross validation approach)


seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

time_fit_start <- 0
time_fit_end <- 0
all_results <- data.frame()
all_real_results <- data.frame()
file_list <- data.frame()

# Cross-Validation Settings ----
fitControl <-
    method = 'repeatedcv',
    number = 10,
    repeats = 3,
    verboseIter = TRUE,
    allowParallel = TRUE,
    classProbs = TRUE,
    savePredictions = TRUE

  ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
    difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
  'm]: '), ''),
  'Fit Control will use ',
  ' with ',
  ' folds and ',
  ' repeats.'

# Cross-Validation for Tuning Settings ----
tuningControl <-
    method = 'cv',
    number = 10,
    verboseIter = TRUE,
    allowParallel = TRUE,
    classProbs = TRUE,
    savePredictions = TRUE

  ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
    difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
  'm]: '), ''),
  'Tuning Control will use ',
  ' with ',
  ' folds and ',
  ' repeats.'

# Default tuneGrid for Random Forest ----
ranger_grid = expand.grid(
  mtry = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10),
  splitrule = c('gini'),
  min.node.size = c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

# Default tuneGrid for XGBoost ----
nrounds = 1000

xgb_grid = expand.grid(
  nrounds = seq(from = 200, to = nrounds, by = 100),
  max_depth = c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
  eta = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
  gamma = 0,
  colsample_bytree = 1,
  min_child_weight = c(2, 3, 5),
  subsample = 1


For our baseline, we used 3 algorithms: Logistic Regression, XGBoost and Ranger (Random Forest).

If the Accuracy of the resulting models are similar, there is a bug difference in term of Sensitivity. Ranger has the best performance so far.

Model Accuracy Sensitivity Precision Specificity F1 Score AUC Coefficients Train Time (min)
Ranger baseline 0.9738698 0.8319428 0.9356568 0.9924930 0.8807571 0.9569605 48 75.3
XGBoost baseline 0.9252039 0.5589988 0.7328125 0.9732562 0.6342123 0.8383462 48 25.3
Logistic Reg. baseline 0.9033596 0.3408820 0.6620370 0.9771661 0.4500393 0.7903627 49 0.5

# Set seed
seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

pipeline_glm <- function(target, train_set, valid_set, test_set,
                         trControl = NULL, tuneGrid = NULL,
                         suffix = NULL, calculate = FALSE, seed = 2019,
                         n_cores = 1){
  # Define objects suffix
  suffix <- ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0('_', suffix))  
  # Default trControl if input is NULL
  if (is.null(trControl)){
    trControl <- trainControl()
  # Logistic Regression ----
  if (calculate == TRUE) {
    # Set up Multithreading
    cl <- makePSOCKcluster(n_cores)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(foreach))
      ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
        difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
      'm]: '), ''),
      'Starting Logistic Regression Model Fit... ',
      ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(
        suffix, 2, nchar(suffix)
    # Model Training
    time_fit_start <- Sys.time()
      paste0('fit_glm', suffix),
        x = train_set[, !names(train_set) %in% c(target)],
        y = train_set[, target],
        method = 'glm',
        trControl = trControl,
        tuneGrid = tuneGrid,
        metric = 'Accuracy'
      , envir = .GlobalEnv) 
    time_fit_end <- Sys.time()
    # Stop Multithreading
    # Save model
    assign(paste0('time_fit_glm', suffix),
           time_fit_end - time_fit_start, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    saveRDS(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)), paste0('models/fit_glm', suffix, '.rds'))
    saveRDS(get(paste0('time_fit_glm', suffix)), paste0('models/time_fit_glm', suffix, '.rds'))
  # Load Model
  assign(paste0('fit_glm', suffix),
         readRDS(paste0('models/fit_glm', suffix, '.rds')), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('time_fit_glm', suffix),
         readRDS(paste0('models/time_fit_glm', suffix, '.rds')), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Predicting against Valid Set with transformed target
  assign(paste0('pred_glm', suffix),
         predict(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)), valid_set, type = 'prob'), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_glm_prob', suffix), get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_glm', suffix), get(paste0('pred_glm_prob', suffix))$Yes, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  assign(paste0('pred_glm', suffix), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix)) > 0.5, no = 0, yes = 1), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Storing Sensitivity for different thresholds
  sens_temp <- data.frame(rbind(rep_len(0, length(seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)))))
  temp_cols <- c()
  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by =0.05)){
    temp_cols <- cbind(temp_cols, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2)))
  colnames(sens_temp) <- temp_cols

  valid_set[,target] <- ifelse(valid_set[,target]=='No',0,1)

  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)){
    assign(paste0('tres_pred_glm', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2)), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_glm_prob', suffix))$Yes > t, no = 0, yes = 1), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    sens_temp[, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2))] <- Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('tres_pred_glm', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2))),
                                                                  y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1')
  assign(paste0('sens_temp_glm', suffix), sens_temp, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Compare Predictions and Valid Set
  assign(paste0('comp_glm', suffix),
         data.frame(obs = valid_set[,target],
                    pred = get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Generate results with transformed target
  assign(paste0('results', suffix),
             cbind('Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix)),
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix)),
                                               y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1'),
                   'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix)),
                                           y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1'),
                   'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix)),
                                     y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1'),
                   'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix)),
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1'),
                   'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[,target]), as.factor(get(paste0('pred_glm', suffix))))),
                   'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix))$finalModel$coefficients),
                   'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_glm', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1),
                   'CV | Accuracy' = get_best_result(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)))[, 'Accuracy'],
                   'CV | Kappa' = get_best_result(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)))[, 'Kappa'],
                   'CV | AccuracySD' = get_best_result(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)))[, 'AccuracySD'],
                   'CV | KappaSD' = get_best_result(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)))[, 'KappaSD']
           ), envir = .GlobalEnv
  # Generate all_results table | with CV and transformed target
  results_title = paste0('Logistic Reg.', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix)))))
  if (exists('all_results')){
    assign('all_results', rbind(all_results, get(paste0('results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_results) <- c(rownames(all_results)[-length(rownames(all_results))], results_title)
    assign('all_results', all_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else{
    assign('all_results', rbind(get(paste0('results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_results) <- c(rownames(all_results)[-length(rownames(all_results))], results_title)
    assign('all_results', all_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Save Variables Importance plot
    paste0('plots/fit_glm_', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix)), '_')), 'varImp.png'),
    width = 1500,
    height = 1000
  p <- plot(varImp(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix))), top = 30)
  # Predicting against Test Set
  assign(paste0('pred_glm_test', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)), test_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  submissions_test <-
    get(paste0('pred_glm_test', suffix)) # To adjust if target is transformed
  colnames(submissions_test) <- c(target)
  assign(paste0('submission_glm_test', suffix), submissions_test, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Generating submissions file
  write.csv(get(paste0('submission_glm_test', suffix)),
            paste0('submissions/submission_glm', suffix, '.csv'),
            row.names = FALSE)
  # Predicting against Valid Set with original target
  assign(paste0('pred_glm_valid', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix)), valid_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Generate real_results with original target
  submissions_valid <-
    get(paste0('pred_glm_valid', suffix)) # To adjust if target is transformed
  colnames(submissions_valid) <- c(target)
  submissions_valid[,'y'] <- ifelse(submissions_valid[,'y']=='1',0,1)
  assign(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix), submissions_valid, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('real_results', suffix),
    'Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)])),
    'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), positive = '1'),
    'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), positive = '1'),
    'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), positive = '1'),
    'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), positive = '1'),
    'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target]))),
    'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_glm', suffix))$finalModel$coefficients),
    'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_glm', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1)
  )), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Generate all_real_results table with original target
  if (exists('all_real_results')){
    assign('all_real_results', rbind(all_real_results, results_title = get(paste0('real_results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_real_results) <- c(rownames(all_real_results)[-length(rownames(all_real_results))], results_title)
    assign('all_real_results', all_real_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else{
    assign('all_real_results', rbind(results_title = get(paste0('real_results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_real_results) <- c(rownames(all_real_results)[-length(rownames(all_real_results))], results_title)
    assign('all_real_results', all_real_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Plot ROC
  roc_glm <- AUC::roc(as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target]))
  assign(paste0('roc_object_glm', suffix), roc_glm,  envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # plot(get(paste0('roc_object_glm', suffix)), col=color4, lwd=4, main="ROC Curve GLM")
  # Density Plot
  prob_glm <- get(paste0('pred_glm_prob', suffix))
  prob_glm<- melt(prob_glm)
  assign(paste0('density_plot_glm', suffix), ggplot(prob_glm,aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + geom_density(alpha=0.25)+
           theme_tufte(base_size = 5, ticks=F)+ 
           ggtitle(paste0('Density Plot glm', suffix))+
           theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,10,10),'pt'),
                 axis.text = element_text(colour = color2, size = 9, family = font2),
                 axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 9, family = font2),
                 plot.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5), 
                 plot.background = element_rect(fill = color1)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # get(paste0('density_plot_glm', suffix))
  # Confusion Matrix
  assign(paste0('cm_glm', suffix), confusionMatrix(as.factor(get(paste0('submission_glm_valid', suffix))[, target]), as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)])), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # cm_plot_glm <- fourfoldplot(cm_glm$table)
  # assign(paste0('cm_plot_glm', suffix), cm_plot_glm, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # get(paste0('cm_plot_glm', suffix))
  # List of files for Dashboard
  assign(paste0('files', suffix),
    'model_file' = paste0('fit_glm', suffix),
    'cm_file' = paste0('cm_glm', suffix),
    'roc' = paste0('roc_object_glm', suffix),
    'density' = paste0('density_plot_glm', suffix)
  )), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (exists('file_list')){
    assign('file_list', rbind(file_list, 'model_file' = get(paste0('files', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(file_list) <- c(rownames(file_list)[-length(rownames(file_list))], results_title)
    assign('file_list', file_list, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else{
    assign('file_list', rbind('model_file' = get(paste0('files', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(file_list) <- c(rownames(file_list)[-length(rownames(file_list))], results_title)
    assign('file_list', file_list, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
      difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
    ), 'm]: '), ''),
    'Logistic Regression is done!', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix))))))

Feature Engineering

A. Clusters

The first step of the Feature Engineering process is to create a new feature based on clustering method.

First of all, we select the variable describing the clients: age, job, marital, education, default, balance, housing, loan. These will be the clustering variables. Since we are using a K-means algorithm, we first define the optimal number of clusters.

With K-means, 9 clusters have been created and added to the dataframe.

With these new features, we train over the 3 models that we used as our baseline and compare the results with the previous ones.

Model Accuracy Sensitivity Precision Specificity F1 Score AUC Coefficients Train Time (min)
Ranger baseline 0.9738698 0.8319428 0.9356568 0.9924930 0.8807571 0.9569605 48 75.3
Ranger FE1 Clustering 0.9738698 0.8307509 0.9368280 0.9926494 0.8806064 0.9574724 57 97.6
XGBoost FE1 Clustering 0.9270012 0.5697259 0.7410853 0.9738818 0.6442049 0.8431443 57 28.6
XGBoost baseline 0.9252039 0.5589988 0.7328125 0.9732562 0.6342123 0.8383462 48 25.3
Logistic Reg. FE1 Clustering 0.9029448 0.3444577 0.6553288 0.9762277 0.4515625 0.7871756 58 0.4
Logistic Reg. baseline 0.9033596 0.3408820 0.6620370 0.9771661 0.4500393 0.7903627 49 0.5

Clustering slightly improves the results of Logistic Regression and XGBoost, but not for Ranger.


# Set seed
seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

# Select the features describing the clients
to_cluster <- colnames(bank_train_A_proc_dum)[substr(x = colnames(bank_train_A_proc_dum), start = 1, stop = 3) %in% c('age', 'job', 'mar', 'edu', 'def', 'bal', 'hou', 'loa')]

# Define the optimal number of clusters for K-Means
if (calculate == TRUE){
  opt_nb_clusters <- fviz_nbclust(bank_train_A_proc_dum[, to_cluster], kmeans, method = c("silhouette", "wss", "gap_stat"))
  saveRDS(opt_nb_clusters, 'data_output/opt_nb_clusters.rds')
opt_nb_clusters <- readRDS('data_output/opt_nb_clusters.rds')
k <- as.integer(opt_nb_clusters$data[opt_nb_clusters$data$y == max(opt_nb_clusters$data$y), 'clusters'])

# Training Clusters ----
if (calculate == TRUE){
  assign(paste0('kmeans_', k), kcca(bank_train_A_proc_dum[, to_cluster], k, kccaFamily('kmeans'), = TRUE))
  assign(paste0('silhouette_', k), Silhouette(get(paste0('kmeans_', k))))
  saveRDS(get(paste0('kmeans_', k)), paste0('data_output/kmeans_', k, '.rds'))
  saveRDS(get(paste0('silhouette_', k)), paste0('data_output/silhouette_', k, '.rds'))

assign(paste0('kmeans_', k), readRDS(paste0('data_output/kmeans_', k, '.rds')))
assign(paste0('silhouette_', k), readRDS(paste0('data_output/silhouette_', k, '.rds')))

# Predicting Clusters
dummy_cluster <- dummyVars(formula = '~.', data = data.frame('cluster' = as.factor(predict(get(paste0('kmeans_', k))))))
bank_train_A_FE1 <- cbind(bank_train_A_proc_dum, predict(dummy_cluster, data.frame('cluster' = as.factor(predict(get(paste0('kmeans_', k)))))))
bank_train_B_FE1 <- cbind(bank_train_B_proc_dum, predict(dummy_cluster, data.frame('cluster' = as.factor(predict(get(paste0('kmeans_', k)), bank_train_B_proc_dum[, to_cluster])))))
bank_test_FE1 <- cbind(bank_test_proc_dum, predict(dummy_cluster, data.frame('cluster' = as.factor(predict(get(paste0('kmeans_', k)), bank_test_proc_dum[, to_cluster])))))

B. Binning

The next Feature Engineering step is binning some of the numerical variables (age, balance, duration and campaign) following to their quantiles. Quantile binning aims to assign the same number of observations to each bin. In the following steps we try binning with various numbers of quantiles:

  • 3 bins (dividing the data in 3 quantiles of approx 33% each)
  • 4 bins (quartiles of 25%)
  • 5 bins (quantiles of 20%)
  • 10 bins (quantiles of 10%)

The clusters now being found based on Train Set A, can be associated to the points of Train Set B.

After the binning, we will one-hot-encode the categorical variables generated.

Comparing the results of the 3 algorithms with the best models we had so far. Adding Binning to Ranger seems to improve significantly its performance.

Model Accuracy Sensitivity Precision Specificity F1 Score AUC Coefficients Train Time (min)
Ranger FE2 Binning 0.9776027 0.8617402 0.9401821 0.9928058 0.8992537 0.9611183 145 266.8
Ranger baseline 0.9738698 0.8319428 0.9356568 0.9924930 0.8807571 0.9569605 48 75.3
Ranger FE1 Clustering 0.9738698 0.8307509 0.9368280 0.9926494 0.8806064 0.9574724 57 97.6
XGBoost FE2 Binning 0.9232684 0.5137068 0.7456747 0.9770097 0.6083275 0.8421837 145 67.8
Logistic Reg. FE2 Binning 0.9028066 0.3551847 0.6478261 0.9746637 0.4588145 0.7839751 146 2.0

# Set seed
seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

# Custom Function to bin featues:
bin_features <- function(df, lst, cut_rate) {
  for (i in lst) {
    df[, paste0(i, '_bin_', cut_rate)] <- .bincode(df[, i],
                                                   breaks = quantile(df[, i], seq(0, 1, by = 1 / cut_rate)),
                                                   include.lowest = TRUE)
    df[, paste0(i, '_bin_', cut_rate)] <-
      factor(df[, paste0(i, '_bin_', cut_rate)], levels = seq(1, cut_rate))
    # df[, i] <- NULL

features_list <- c('age', 'balance', 'duration', 'campaign')

# First: binning numerical variables in 3 bins:
bank_train_A_FE2 <- copy(bank_train_A_FE1)
bank_train_B_FE2 <- copy(bank_train_B_FE1)
bank_test_FE2 <- copy(bank_test_FE1)
bank_train_A_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_train_A_FE2, features_list, 3)
bank_train_B_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_train_B_FE2, features_list, 3)
bank_test_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_test_FE2, features_list, 3)

# Second: binning numerical variables in 4 bins:
bank_train_A_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_train_A_FE2, features_list, 4)
bank_train_B_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_train_B_FE2, features_list, 4)
bank_test_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_test_FE2, features_list, 4)

# Third: binning numerical variables in 5 bins:
bank_train_A_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_train_A_FE2, features_list, 5)
bank_train_B_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_train_B_FE2, features_list, 5)
bank_test_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_test_FE2, features_list, 5)

# Fourth: binning numerical variables in 10 bins:
bank_train_A_FE2 <-
  bin_features(bank_train_A_FE2, features_list, 10)
bank_train_B_FE2 <-
  bin_features(bank_train_B_FE2, features_list, 10)
bank_test_FE2 <- bin_features(bank_test_FE2, features_list, 10)

# Dummies
dummy_bins <-
  dummyVars(formula = '~.', data = bank_train_A_FE2[, (substr(
    x = colnames(bank_train_A_FE2),
    start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 5,
    stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 2
  ) == '_bin') |
      x = colnames(bank_train_A_FE2),
      start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 5,
      stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 2
    ) == 'bin_')])
bank_train_A_FE2 <-
  cbind(bank_train_A_FE2[, (substr(
    x = colnames(bank_train_A_FE2),
    start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 5,
    stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 2
  ) != '_bin') &
      x = colnames(bank_train_A_FE2),
      start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 5,
      stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 2
    ) != 'bin_')],
  predict(dummy_bins, bank_train_A_FE2[, (substr(
    x = colnames(bank_train_A_FE2),
    start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 5,
    stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 2
  ) == '_bin') |
      x = colnames(bank_train_A_FE2),
      start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 5,
      stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_A_FE2)) - 2
    ) == 'bin_')]))

bank_train_B_FE2 <-
  cbind(bank_train_B_FE2[, (substr(
    x = colnames(bank_train_B_FE2),
    start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 5,
    stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 2
  ) != '_bin') &
      x = colnames(bank_train_B_FE2),
      start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 5,
      stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 2
    ) != 'bin_')],
  predict(dummy_bins, bank_train_B_FE2[, (substr(
    x = colnames(bank_train_B_FE2),
    start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 5,
    stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 2
  ) == '_bin') |
      x = colnames(bank_train_B_FE2),
      start = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 5,
      stop = nchar(colnames(bank_train_B_FE2)) - 2
    ) == 'bin_')]))

bank_test_FE2 <-
  cbind(bank_test_FE2[, (substr(
    x = colnames(bank_test_FE2),
    start = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 5,
    stop = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 2
  ) != '_bin') &
      x = colnames(bank_test_FE2),
      start = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 5,
      stop = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 2
    ) != 'bin_')],
  predict(dummy_bins, bank_test_FE2[, (substr(
    x = colnames(bank_test_FE2),
    start = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 5,
    stop = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 2
  ) == '_bin') |
      x = colnames(bank_test_FE2),
      start = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 5,
      stop = nchar(colnames(bank_test_FE2)) - 2
    ) == 'bin_')]))

Feature Selection with Lasso and RFE

After doing all the necessary feature pre processing, feature engineering and developing our initial models, it is about time to start experimenting with some feature selection methodologies. In our case we follow the below two methods:

  • Feature Selection using Lasso Logistic Regression.
  • Feature Selection with Recursive Feature Elimination using Random Forest functions.

Going deeper in the process, we first take the variables that the lasso regression gives us, in order to deal with the problem of multicollinearity as well. In particular, we started our process with 146 variables and the algorithm ended up choosing 83 of them as important. 62 features were rejected by Lasso.

## [1] "The Lasso Regression selected 83 variables, and rejected 62 variables."

Rejected Features
age_bin_10.2 age_bin_10.3 age_bin_10.5 age_bin_10.6 age_bin_10.7
age_bin_3.1 age_bin_3.3 age_bin_4.2 age_bin_4.4 age_bin_5.1
age_bin_5.2 age_bin_5.3 age_bin_5.4 age_bin_5.5 balance_bin_10.1
balance_bin_10.10 balance_bin_10.3 balance_bin_10.5 balance_bin_10.8 balance_bin_10.9
balance_bin_3.1 balance_bin_3.3 balance_bin_4.2 balance_bin_4.3 balance_bin_5.2
balance_bin_5.3 campaign_bin_10.10 campaign_bin_10.2 campaign_bin_10.3 campaign_bin_10.4
campaign_bin_10.5 campaign_bin_10.6 campaign_bin_10.8 campaign_bin_3.2 campaign_bin_4.2
campaign_bin_5.2 campaign_bin_5.3 campaign_bin_5.4 cluster.2 cluster.3
cluster.4 cluster.6 cluster.7 contact.telephone duration_bin_10.2
duration_bin_10.3 duration_bin_10.4 duration_bin_10.5 duration_bin_10.6 duration_bin_10.8
duration_bin_10.9 duration_bin_3.2 duration_bin_5.3 education.secondary job.technician marital.divorced marital.single month.may
pdays poutcome.failure

# Set seed
seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

# Feature Selection with Lasso Regression ----
X <- model.matrix(y ~ ., bank_train_A_FE2)[,-1]
y <- ifelse(bank_train_A_FE2$y == 'Yes', 1, 0)
cv <- cv.glmnet(X, y, alpha = 1, family = 'binomial')
lasso_glmnet <- glmnet(X, y, alpha = 1, family = 'binomial', lambda = cv$lambda.min)

lassoVarImp <-
  varImp(lasso_glmnet, scale = FALSE, lambda = cv$lambda.min)

varsSelected    <-
  rownames(lassoVarImp)[which(lassoVarImp$Overall != 0)]
varsNotSelected <-
  rownames(lassoVarImp)[which(lassoVarImp$Overall == 0)]

    'The Lasso Regression selected ',
    ' variables, and rejected ',
    ' variables.'

bank_train_A_lasso <-
  bank_train_A_FE2[,!names(bank_train_A_FE2) %in% varsNotSelected]
bank_train_B_lasso <-
  bank_train_B_FE2[,!names(bank_train_B_FE2) %in% varsNotSelected]
bank_test_lasso <-
  bank_test_FE2[,!names(bank_test_FE2) %in% varsNotSelected]

  round(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1),
  'm]: ',
  'Feature Selection with Lasso Regression is done!'

As a following up step, we apply RFE, using Random Forest functions and a cross validation methodology, on the variables kept by the lasso regression to get another subset of the important variables, based now on a tree method (RandomForest) and we ended up with 18 variables. The justification behind the decision for 18 variables is the plot below that came up as an outcome of the RFE approach.

Selected Features
age balance contact.cellular contact.unknown day
duration duration_bin_10.10 housing month.apr month.aug
month.dec month.jul month.mar month.oct month.sep
poutcome.success poutcome.unknown previous

# Set seed
seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

# Feature Selection with Recursive Feature Elimination ----
subsets <- c(10, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100)

ctrl <- rfeControl(
  functions = rfFuncs,
  method = "cv",
  number = 5,
  verbose = TRUE,
  allowParallel = TRUE

if (calculate == TRUE) {
  cl <- makePSOCKcluster(7)
  clusterEvalQ(cl, library(foreach))
                 difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
               'm]: ',
               'Starting RFE...'))
  time_fit_start <- Sys.time()
  results_rfe <-
      x = bank_train_A_lasso[,!names(bank_train_A_lasso) %in% c('y')],
      y = bank_train_A_lasso[, 'y'],
      sizes = subsets,
      rfeControl = ctrl,
      metric = 'Accuracy',
      maximize = TRUE
  time_fit_end <- Sys.time()
  time_fit_rfe <- time_fit_end - time_fit_start
  saveRDS(results_rfe, 'models/results_rfe.rds')

results_rfe <- readRDS('models/results_rfe.rds')
time_fit_rfe <- readRDS('models/time_fit_rfe.rds')

varImp_rfe <-
    'Variables' = attr(results_rfe$fit$importance[, 2], which = 'names'),
    'Importance' = as.vector(round(results_rfe$fit$importance[, 2], 4))
varImp_rfe <- varImp_rfe[order(varImp_rfe$Importance), ]
varImp_rfe$perc <-
  round(varImp_rfe$Importance / sum(varImp_rfe$Importance) * 100, 4)
var_sel_rfe <- varImp_rfe[varImp_rfe$perc > 0.1, ]
var_rej_rfe <- varImp_rfe[varImp_rfe$perc <= 0.1, ]

ggplot(tail(varImp_rfe,50), aes(x = reorder(Variables, Importance), y = Importance)) +
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +

bank_train_A_rfe <-
  bank_train_A_FE2[, names(bank_train_A_FE2) %in% var_sel_rfe$Variables |
                       names(bank_train_A_FE2) == 'y']
bank_train_B_rfe <-
  bank_train_B_FE2[, names(bank_train_B_FE2) %in% var_sel_rfe$Variables |
                       names(bank_train_B_FE2) == 'y']
bank_test_rfe <-
  bank_test_FE2[, names(bank_test_FE2) %in% var_sel_rfe$Variables |
                    names(bank_test_FE2) == 'y']

    round(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1),
    'm]: ',
    'Feature Selection with Recursive Feature Elimination is done!'


Now that we have the most efficient set of variables according to our Feature Selection approach, we remodel on these set of variables, using once more our 3 main algorithms: Logistic Regression, Random Forest and XGBoost.

However, at this stage in order to improve our results, we apply to each one of the algorithms an extensive Grid Search on the parameters that can be tuned and might affect our performance.

XGBoost Grid Search

Ranger Grid Search

The optimal paramaters for XGBoost and Random Forest are:

  • XGBoost
    • max_depth = 6
    • gamma = 0
    • eta = 0.05
    • colsample_bytree = 1
    • min_child_weight = 3
    • subsample = 1
  • Random Forest
    • mtry = 4
    • splitrule = gini
    • min.node.size = 9

Unfortunately, reducing the number of variables impact significantly the performance of our models.

Model Accuracy Sensitivity Precision Specificity F1 Score AUC Coefficients Train Time (min)
Ranger FE2 Binning 0.9776027 0.8617402 0.9401821 0.9928058 0.8992537 0.9611183 145 266.8
Ranger baseline 0.9738698 0.8319428 0.9356568 0.9924930 0.8807571 0.9569605 48 75.3
Ranger FE1 Clustering 0.9738698 0.8307509 0.9368280 0.9926494 0.8806064 0.9574724 57 97.6
XGBoost Tuning 0.9065395 0.4386174 0.6422339 0.9679387 0.5212465 0.7857566 18 199.8
Ranger Tuning 0.9054334 0.3969011 0.6516634 0.9721614 0.4933333 0.7881941 18 62.1
# Cross-Validation for Tuning Settings ----
tuningControl <-
    method = 'cv',
    number = 10,
    verboseIter = TRUE,
    allowParallel = TRUE,
    classProbs = TRUE,
    savePredictions = TRUE

  ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
    difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
  'm]: '), ''),
  'Tuning Control will use ',
  ' with ',
  ' folds and ',
  ' repeats.'

# Default tuneGrid for Random Forest ----
ranger_grid = expand.grid(
  mtry = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10),
  splitrule = c('gini'),
  min.node.size = c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

# Default tuneGrid for XGBoost ----
nrounds = 1000

xgb_grid = expand.grid(
  nrounds = seq(from = 200, to = nrounds, by = 100),
  max_depth = c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
  eta = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
  gamma = 0,
  colsample_bytree = 1,
  min_child_weight = c(2, 3, 5),
  subsample = 1


At this stage, we have optimized our variable set and we have tuned our algorithms through a Grid Search. There is another option that we want to try: stacking models.

As an initial step to decide whether stacking would make sense or not, we gather all our previous predictions and we plot a correlation matrix. The reason behind this, is the fact that if our predictions are uncorrelated between each other or at least have low correlation, then the models that generate them are capturing different aspects of the validation set, so it makes sense to combine them through a stacking approach. Based on the matrix below, the models that seem better to combine are the ones that generated the predictions based on the binning feature engineering step, as the correlation between them is around 50%.

However, in order to have a more complete modelling approach, we want to stack all the possible combinations and compare their performance. More in detail we follow the below mentioned process:

  • We create the below mentioned stacking categories:
    • Baseline modelling
    • Clustering modelling (FE1)
    • Binning modelling (FE2)
    • RFE - Tuning modelling
  • For each of the categories we stack the corresponding models with 3 different algorithms:
    • Logistic Regression
    • XGBoost
    • Random Forest

# Set seed
seed <- ifelse(exists('seed'), seed, 2019)

pipeline_stack <- function(target, train_set, valid_set, test_set,
                         trControl = NULL, tuneGrid = NULL,
                         suffix = NULL, calculate = FALSE, seed = 2019,
                         n_cores = 1){
  # Define objects suffix
  suffix <- ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0('_', suffix))  
  # Default trControl if input is NULL
  if (is.null(trControl)){
    trControl <- trainControl()
  # Logistic Regression ----
  if (calculate == TRUE) {
    # Set up Multithreading
    # library(doParallel)
    # cl <- makePSOCKcluster(n_cores)
    # clusterEvalQ(cl, library(foreach))
    # registerDoParallel(cl)
      ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
        difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
      'm]: '), ''),
      'Starting Stacking Model Fit... ',
      ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(
        suffix, 2, nchar(suffix)
    control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 3, search = "grid", savePredictions = "final", 
                            index = createResample(train_set$y, 5), summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, 
                            classProbs = TRUE, verboseIter = TRUE)
    # Model List Training
    time_fit_start <- Sys.time()
      paste0('fit_model_list', suffix),
      caretList( x = train_set[, !names(train_set) %in% c(target)],
                 y = train_set[, target],
                 trControl = control,
                   xgbTree = caretModelSpec(method="xgbTree", tuneGrid=data.frame(nrounds = 200, 
                                                                                  max_depth = 6,
                                                                                  gamma = 0,
                                                                                  eta = 0.05,
                                                                                  colsample_bytree = 1,
                                                                                  min_child_weight = 3,
                                                                                  subsample = 1)),
                   ranger  = caretModelSpec(method="ranger",    tuneGrid=data.frame(mtry = 4,
                                                                                    splitrule = "gini",
                                                                                    min.node.size = 9)),
                   glm  = caretModelSpec(method="glm")),
                 continue_on_fail = FALSE,
                 preProcess = c('center','scale'))
      , envir = .GlobalEnv) 
    # Baseline (25, gini, 1 \\ 150, 3, 0.3, 0.8, 0.75)
    # Clustering (29, gini, 1 \\ 150, 3, 0.4, 0.8, 1)
    # Bining (73, gini, 1 \\ 100, 3, 0.3, 0.6, 1)
    # Save model list
    time_fit_end <- Sys.time()
    assign(paste0('time_fit_model_list', suffix),
           time_fit_end - time_fit_start, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    saveRDS(get(paste0('fit_model_list', suffix)), paste0('models/fit_model_list', suffix, '.rds'))
    saveRDS(get(paste0('time_fit_model_list', suffix)), paste0('models/time_fit_model_list', suffix, '.rds'))
    # Model Training Stacking
    stackControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 3, savePredictions = TRUE, classProbs = TRUE,
                                 verboseIter = TRUE)
      paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix),
        get(paste0('fit_model_list', suffix)), 
        method = "glm", 
        metric = "Accuracy",
        trControl = stackControl)
      , envir = .GlobalEnv)
      paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix),
        get(paste0('fit_model_list', suffix)), 
        method = "ranger", 
        metric = "Accuracy",
        trControl = stackControl)
      , envir = .GlobalEnv)
      paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix),
        get(paste0('fit_model_list', suffix)), 
        method = "xgbTree", 
        metric = "Accuracy",
        trControl = stackControl)
      , envir = .GlobalEnv)
    # Stop Multithreading
    # Save model stack
    time_fit_end_0 <- Sys.time()
    assign(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix),
           time_fit_end_0 - time_fit_start, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    saveRDS(get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix)), paste0('models/fit_stack_glm', suffix, '.rds'))
    saveRDS(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix)), paste0('models/fit_stack_rf', suffix, '.rds'))
    saveRDS(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix)), paste0('models/fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix, '.rds'))
    saveRDS(get(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix)), paste0('models/time_fit_stack_glm', suffix, '.rds'))
  # Load Model
  assign(paste0('fit_model_list', suffix),
         readRDS(paste0('models/fit_model_list', suffix, '.rds')), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix),
         readRDS(paste0('models/fit_stack_glm', suffix, '.rds')), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix),
         readRDS(paste0('models/fit_stack_rf', suffix, '.rds')), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix),
         readRDS(paste0('models/fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix, '.rds')), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix),
         readRDS(paste0('models/time_fit_stack_glm', suffix, '.rds')), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Predicting against Valid Set with transformed target
  assign(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix),
         predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix)), valid_set, type = 'prob'), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_glm_stack_prob', suffix), get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)) > 0.5, yes = 1,no = 0), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix),
         predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix)), valid_set, type = 'prob'), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_rf_stack_prob', suffix), get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)) > 0.5, yes = 1,no = 0), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix),
         predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix)), valid_set, type = 'prob'), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack_prob', suffix), get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix)) > 0.5,yes =  1,no =  0), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Storing Sensitivity for different thresholds GLM
  sens_temp <- data.frame(rbind(rep_len(0, length(seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)))))
  temp_cols <- c()
  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by =0.05)){
    temp_cols <- cbind(temp_cols, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2)))
  colnames(sens_temp) <- temp_cols
  valid_set[,target] <- ifelse(valid_set[,target]=='No',0,1)
  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)){
    assign(paste0('tres_pred_glm_stack', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2)), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_glm_stack_prob', suffix)) > t, no = 0, yes = 1), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    sens_temp[, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2))] <- Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('tres_pred_glm_stack', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2))),
                                                                  y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1')
  assign(paste0('sens_temp_glm_stack', suffix), sens_temp, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Storing Sensitivity for different thresholds RANGER
  sens_temp <- data.frame(rbind(rep_len(0, length(seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)))))
  temp_cols <- c()
  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by =0.05)){
    temp_cols <- cbind(temp_cols, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2)))
  colnames(sens_temp) <- temp_cols
  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)){
    assign(paste0('tres_pred_rf_stack', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2)), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_rf_stack_prob', suffix)) > t, no = 0, yes = 1), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    sens_temp[, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2))] <- Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('tres_pred_rf_stack', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2))),
                                                                  y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1')
  assign(paste0('sens_temp_rf_stack', suffix), sens_temp, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Storing Sensitivity for different thresholds XGBTREE
  sens_temp <- data.frame(rbind(rep_len(0, length(seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)))))
  temp_cols <- c()
  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by =0.05)){
    temp_cols <- cbind(temp_cols, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2)))
  colnames(sens_temp) <- temp_cols
  for (t in seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05)){
    assign(paste0('tres_pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2)), ifelse(get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack_prob', suffix)) > t, no = 0, yes = 1), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    sens_temp[, paste0('t_', format(t, nsmall=2))] <- Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('tres_pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix, '_', format(t, nsmall=2))),
                                                                  y_true = valid_set[,target], positive = '1')
  assign(paste0('sens_temp_xgbTree_stack', suffix), sens_temp, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Compare Predictions and Valid Set
  assign(paste0('comp_stack', suffix),
         data.frame(obs = valid_set[,target],
                    pred_glm = get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)),
                    pred_rf = get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)),
                    pred_xgbTree = get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix))
                    ), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Generate results with transformed target
  assign(paste0('results', suffix),
           rbind(   cbind(
                   'Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)),
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                               y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                           y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                     y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[,target]), as.factor(get(paste0('pred_glm_stack', suffix))))),
                   'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix))$ens_model$finalModel$coefficients),
                   'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1),
                   'CV | Accuracy' = get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix))$error[, 'Accuracy'],
                   'CV | Kappa' = get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix))$error[, 'Kappa'],
                   'CV | AccuracySD' = get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix))$error[, 'AccuracySD'],
                   'CV | KappaSD' = get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix))$error[, 'KappaSD']),
                   'Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)),
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                               y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                           y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                     y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[,target]), as.factor(get(paste0('pred_rf_stack', suffix))))),
                   'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix))$ens_model$finalModel$num.trees),
                   'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1),
                   'CV | Accuracy' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix))$error[, 'Accuracy']),
                   'CV | Kappa' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix))$error[, 'Kappa']),
                   'CV | AccuracySD' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix))$error[, 'AccuracySD']),
                   'CV | KappaSD' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix))$error[, 'KappaSD']))
                   'Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix)),
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                               y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                           y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                     y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix)),positive = '1',
                                         y_true = valid_set[,target]),
                   'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[,target]), as.factor(get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack', suffix))))),
                   'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix))$ens_model$finalModel$params$max_depth),
                   'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1),
                   'CV | Accuracy' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix))$error[, 'Accuracy']),
                   'CV | Kappa' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix))$error[, 'Kappa']),
                   'CV | AccuracySD' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix))$error[, 'AccuracySD']),
                   'CV | KappaSD' = mean(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix))$error[, 'KappaSD']))

           ), envir = .GlobalEnv

  # Generate all_results table | with CV and transformed target
  results_title_glm <- paste0('Stacking glm', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix)))))
  results_title_rf <- paste0('Stacking rf', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix)))))
  results_title_xgb <- paste0('Stacking xgb', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix)))))
  if (exists('all_results')){
    a <- rownames(all_results)
    assign('all_results', rbind(all_results, get(paste0('results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_results) <- c(a, results_title_glm, results_title_rf, results_title_xgb)
    assign('all_results', all_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else{
    assign('all_results', rbind(get(paste0('results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_results) <- c(results_title_glm, results_title_rf, results_title_xgb)
    assign('all_results', all_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Save Variables Importance plot
  # png(
  #   paste0('plots/fit_stack_glm_', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix)), '_')), 'varImp.png'),
  #   width = 1500,
  #   height = 1000
  # )
  # p <- plot(varImp(get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix))), top = 30)
  # p
  # Predicting against Test Set
  assign(paste0('pred_glm_stack_test', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix)), test_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_rf_stack_test', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix)), test_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack_test', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix)), test_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  submissions_test <-
    get(paste0('pred_glm_stack_test', suffix)),
    get(paste0('pred_rf_stack_test', suffix)),
    get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack_test', suffix))# To adjust if target is transformed
  colnames(submissions_test) <- c('stack_glm', 'stack_rf', 'stack_xgbTree')
  assign(paste0('submission_stack_test', suffix), submissions_test, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Generating submissions file
  write.csv(get(paste0('submission_stack_test', suffix)),
            paste0('submissions/submission_stack', suffix, '.csv'),
            row.names = FALSE)
  # Predicting against Valid Set with original target
  assign(paste0('pred_stack_glm_valid', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix)), valid_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_stack_rf_valid', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix)), valid_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('pred_stack_xgbTree_valid', suffix), predict(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix)), valid_set), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Generate real_results with original target
  submissions_valid <-
    get(paste0('pred_stack_glm_valid', suffix)),
    get(paste0('pred_stack_rf_valid', suffix)),
    get(paste0('pred_stack_xgbTree_valid', suffix)) # To adjust if target is transformed
  colnames(submissions_valid) <- c('stack_glm', 'stack_rf', 'stack_xgbTree')
  submissions_valid[,'stack_glm'] <- ifelse(submissions_valid[,'stack_glm']=='1',0,1)
  submissions_valid[,'stack_rf'] <- ifelse(submissions_valid[,'stack_rf']=='1',0,1)
  submissions_valid[,'stack_xgbTree'] <- ifelse(submissions_valid[,'stack_xgbTree']=='1',0,1)
  assign(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix), submissions_valid, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign(paste0('real_results', suffix),
    'Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)])),
    'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
    'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
    'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
    'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
    'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm']))),
    'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_stack_glm', suffix))$ens_model$finalModel$coefficients),
    'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1)),

      'Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)])),
      'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf']))),
      'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_stack_rf', suffix))$ens_model$finalModel$num.trees),
      'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1)),
      'Accuracy' = Accuracy(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)])),
      'Sensitivity' = Sensitivity(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'Precision' = Precision(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'Recall' = Recall(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'F1 Score' = F1_Score(y_pred = get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree'], y_true = as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]),positive = '1'),
      'AUC'      = AUC::auc(AUC::roc(as.numeric(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree']))),
      'Coefficients' = length(get(paste0('fit_stack_xgbTree', suffix))$finalModel$params$max_depth),
      'Train Time (min)' = round(as.numeric(get(paste0('time_fit_stack', suffix)), units = 'mins'), 1)
  # Generate all_real_results table with original target
  if (exists('all_real_results')){
    a <- rownames(all_real_results)
    assign('all_real_results', rbind(all_real_results, results_title = get(paste0('real_results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_real_results) <- c(a, results_title_glm, results_title_rf, results_title_xgb)
    assign('all_real_results', all_real_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else{
    assign('all_real_results', rbind(results_title = get(paste0('real_results', suffix))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    rownames(all_real_results) <- c(results_title_glm, results_title_rf, results_title_xgb)
    assign('all_real_results', all_real_results, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  roc_glm <- AUC::roc(as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm']))
  assign(paste0('roc_object_stack_glm', suffix), roc_glm,  envir = .GlobalEnv)
  roc_glm <- AUC::roc(as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf']))
  assign(paste0('roc_object_stack_rf', suffix), roc_glm,  envir = .GlobalEnv)
  roc_glm <- AUC::roc(as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)]), as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree']))
  assign(paste0('roc_object_stack_xgbTree', suffix), roc_glm,  envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # plot(get(paste0('roc_object_stack_glm', suffix)), col=color4, lwd=4, main="ROC Curve Stack glm")
  # plot(get(paste0('roc_object_stack_rf', suffix)), col=color4, lwd=4, main="ROC Curve Stack rf")
  # plot(get(paste0('roc_object_stack_xgbTree', suffix)), col=color4, lwd=4, main="ROC Curve Stack xgbTree")
  # Density Plot
  prob_glm <- data.frame(No = get(paste0('pred_glm_stack_prob', suffix)), Yes = 1 - get(paste0('pred_glm_stack_prob', suffix)))
  prob_glm<- melt(prob_glm)
  assign(paste0('density_plot_stack_glm', suffix), ggplot(prob_glm,aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + geom_density(alpha=0.25)+
           theme_tufte(base_size = 5, ticks=F)+ 
           ggtitle(paste0('Density Plot Stack glm', suffix))+
           theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,10,10),'pt'),
                 axis.text = element_text(colour = color2, size = 9, family = font2),
                 axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 9, family = font2),
                 plot.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5), 
                 plot.background = element_rect(fill = color1)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  prob_glm <- data.frame(No = get(paste0('pred_rf_stack_prob', suffix)), Yes = 1 - get(paste0('pred_rf_stack_prob', suffix)))
  prob_glm<- melt(prob_glm)
  assign(paste0('density_plot_stack_rf', suffix), ggplot(prob_glm,aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + geom_density(alpha=0.25)+
           theme_tufte(base_size = 5, ticks=F)+ 
           ggtitle(paste0('Density Plot Stack RF', suffix))+
           theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,10,10),'pt'),
                 axis.text = element_text(colour = color2, size = 9, family = font2),
                 axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 9, family = font2),
                 plot.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5), 
                 plot.background = element_rect(fill = color1)), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  prob_glm <- data.frame(No = get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack_prob', suffix)), Yes = 1 - get(paste0('pred_xgbTree_stack_prob', suffix)))
  prob_glm<- melt(prob_glm)
  assign(paste0('density_plot_stack_xgbTree', suffix), ggplot(prob_glm,aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + geom_density(alpha=0.25)+
           theme_tufte(base_size = 5, ticks=F)+ 
           ggtitle(paste0('Density Plot Stack xgbTree', suffix))+
           theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,10,10),'pt'),
                 axis.text = element_text(colour = color2, size = 9, family = font2),
                 axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 9, family = font2),
                 plot.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5), 
                 plot.background = element_rect(fill = color1)), envir = .GlobalEnv)

  # Confusion Matrix
  assign(paste0('cm_glm', suffix), confusionMatrix(as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_glm']), as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)])), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # cm_plot_glm <- fourfoldplot(cm_glm$table)
  # assign(paste0('cm_plot_stack_glm', suffix), cm_plot_glm, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # get(paste0('cm_plot_stack_glm', suffix))
  assign(paste0('cm_glm', suffix), confusionMatrix(as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_rf']), as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)])), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # cm_plot_glm <- fourfoldplot(cm_glm$table)
  # assign(paste0('cm_plot_stack_rf', suffix), cm_plot_glm, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # get(paste0('cm_plot_stack_rf', suffix))
  assign(paste0('cm_glm', suffix), confusionMatrix(as.factor(get(paste0('submission_stack_valid', suffix))[, 'stack_xgbTree']), as.factor(valid_set[, c(target)])), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # cm_plot_glm <- fourfoldplot(cm_glm$table)
  # assign(paste0('cm_plot_stack_xgbTree', suffix), cm_plot_glm, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # get(paste0('cm_plot_stack_xgbTree', suffix))
    ifelse(exists('start_time'), paste0('[', round(
      difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = 'mins'), 1
    ), 'm]: '), ''),
    'Stacking with done!', ifelse(is.null(suffix), NULL, paste0(' ', substr(suffix,2, nchar(suffix))))))

Final Model

Based on the table shown below, in which we gathered all the necessary metrics to compare our models we decide to go with the Ranger (RandomForest) algorithm trained on the set of variables that include the Binning step of the Feature Engineering process and is the one that we choose to create our final submission.

The metric that was required is the Sensitivity, and was the main driver of our decision. As a closing observation, we can notice that our models are really good in predicting the No value of target variable as we manage to achieve a high Precision, but they have harder times (comparing to the NOs) adjusting their performance on the Yes variable: the best model has a Recall value of only 86%. We can detect that through various confusion matrices, in which the True Negative value is pretty high (thing that justifies the above mentioned observation).

Model Accuracy Sensitivity Precision Specificity F1 Score AUC Coefficients Train Time (min)
Ranger FE2 Binning 0.9776027 0.8617402 0.9401821 0.9928058 0.8992537 0.9611183 145 266.8
Ranger baseline 0.9738698 0.8319428 0.9356568 0.9924930 0.8807571 0.9569605 48 75.3
Ranger FE1 Clustering 0.9738698 0.8307509 0.9368280 0.9926494 0.8806064 0.9574724 57 97.6
XGBoost FE1 Clustering 0.9270012 0.5697259 0.7410853 0.9738818 0.6442049 0.8431443 57 28.6
XGBoost baseline 0.9252039 0.5589988 0.7328125 0.9732562 0.6342123 0.8383462 48 25.3
Stacking xgb clustering 0.9113784 0.5220501 0.6460177 0.9624648 0.5774555 0.7924215 3 95.9
XGBoost FE2 Binning 0.9232684 0.5137068 0.7456747 0.9770097 0.6083275 0.8421837 145 67.8
Stacking xgb baseline 0.9105489 0.4958284 0.6500000 0.9649672 0.5625423 0.7929205 3 98.5
XGBoost RFE 0.9164938 0.4910608 0.6994907 0.9723178 0.5770308 0.8176111 18 12.2
Stacking glm baseline 0.9123462 0.4851013 0.6683087 0.9684079 0.5621547 0.8015457 4 98.5
Stacking rf baseline 0.9025301 0.4755662 0.6009036 0.9585549 0.5309381 0.7669612 3 98.5
Stacking xgb binning 0.9109636 0.4755662 0.6616915 0.9680951 0.5533981 0.7976633 3 80.5
Stacking glm clustering 0.9116549 0.4719905 0.6689189 0.9693463 0.5534591 0.8011060 4 95.9
Stacking rf binning 0.9026683 0.4660310 0.6043277 0.9599625 0.5262450 0.7681523 3 80.5
Stacking xgb Tuning 0.9057099 0.4636472 0.6264090 0.9637160 0.5328767 0.7791755 3 72.2
Stacking rf clustering 0.8981059 0.4588796 0.5763473 0.9557398 0.5109489 0.7535963 3 95.9
Stacking glm binning 0.9077838 0.4505364 0.6472603 0.9677823 0.5312720 0.7889633 4 80.5
Stacking rf Tuning 0.9008710 0.4469607 0.5971338 0.9604317 0.5112474 0.7634420 3 72.2
XGBoost Tuning 0.9065395 0.4386174 0.6422339 0.9679387 0.5212465 0.7857566 18 199.8
Stacking glm Tuning 0.9050187 0.4219309 0.6366906 0.9684079 0.5075269 0.7820266 4 72.2
Ranger Tuning 0.9054334 0.3969011 0.6516634 0.9721614 0.4933333 0.7881941 18 62.1
Logistic Reg. FE2 Binning 0.9028066 0.3551847 0.6478261 0.9746637 0.4588145 0.7839751 146 2.0
Logistic Reg. FE1 Clustering 0.9029448 0.3444577 0.6553288 0.9762277 0.4515625 0.7871756 58 0.4
Logistic Reg. RFE 0.9032213 0.3444577 0.6583144 0.9765405 0.4522692 0.7886803 19 0.3
Logistic Reg. baseline 0.9033596 0.3408820 0.6620370 0.9771661 0.4500393 0.7903627 49 0.5

The overall objective of the model is to identify customers who are responsive to a campaign and will eventually purchase the product. Though the final model does feature high sensitivity (True Positive rate), it also has relatively low specificity (True Negative rate). This implies a lot of customers targeted by the campaign may ultimately end up rejecting the offer. Ultimately, the trade-off stands between the cost of targeting the client with the campaign, and the increased revenue from capturing the client.

In this particular case, one can assume the cost of running the campaign is only a small fraction of the Customer Life-time Value. Therefore, it makes sense to provide an aggressive rather than conservative model, since the cost of the campaign may only involve customer service labor at relatively low wages. In other settings where the cost of a false positive is higher relatively to the benefit of the true positive, a more conservative option should be adopted.

  • Among those that we don’t call: all are not responsive anyways
  • But among those we don’t call: we have a lot of No’s

This table lists the Sensitivities we can achieve with each model by tuning the threshold t, highlighting the Sensitivities above 0.9.

Model t_0.05 t_0.10 t_0.15 t_0.20 t_0.25 t_0.30 t_0.35 t_0.40 t_0.45 t_0.50 t_0.55 t_0.60 t_0.65 t_0.70 t_0.75 t_0.80 t_0.85 t_0.90 t_0.95
glm_baseline 0.9631 0.8856 0.7771 0.6961 0.6198 0.5614 0.5042 0.4327 0.3886 0.3409 0.3063 0.2718 0.2384 0.2002 0.1609 0.1275 0.0894 0.0644 0.0334
glm_clustering 0.9642 0.8868 0.7747 0.6937 0.6198 0.5566 0.503 0.4327 0.3862 0.3445 0.3087 0.2718 0.2396 0.205 0.1633 0.1275 0.0918 0.0656 0.0346
glm_binning 0.9631 0.8987 0.8117 0.7342 0.6579 0.5781 0.5197 0.472 0.4136 0.3552 0.3063 0.2479 0.2014 0.1681 0.1383 0.1049 0.0727 0.0441 0.0215
glm_RFE 0.9666 0.8462 0.7342 0.6603 0.5924 0.5352 0.4768 0.4327 0.3897 0.3445 0.2908 0.2503 0.2074 0.174 0.1466 0.118 0.0834 0.0584 0.0215
ranger_baseline 0.9952 0.9893 0.9785 0.9714 0.9642 0.9535 0.9261 0.8975 0.8665 0.8319 0.77 0.7092 0.6055 0.5066 0.3874 0.236 0.1299 0.0346 0.0036
ranger_clustering 0.9952 0.9881 0.9797 0.9738 0.9666 0.9559 0.9344 0.9058 0.8737 0.8308 0.7843 0.7199 0.621 0.5137 0.3874 0.2348 0.1144 0.0334 0.0048
ranger_binning 0.9964 0.9857 0.9797 0.9702 0.9583 0.9464 0.9333 0.9201 0.8927 0.8617 0.8141 0.758 0.6687 0.5507 0.4041 0.2646 0.1216 0.0322 0.0012
ranger_tuned 0.9666 0.9225 0.8701 0.8188 0.7688 0.7092 0.6448 0.5745 0.4958 0.3969 0.2968 0.2288 0.1728 0.112 0.056 0.0334 0.0095 0.0036 0
xgbTree_baseline 0.9821 0.9428 0.9046 0.8522 0.8153 0.7688 0.7187 0.6627 0.6186 0.559 0.4851 0.4219 0.36 0.2861 0.2169 0.1645 0.1156 0.0572 0.0191
xgbTree_clustering 0.9762 0.9416 0.8963 0.8665 0.8212 0.7831 0.7366 0.6865 0.6234 0.5697 0.5137 0.4446 0.3719 0.3027 0.2431 0.1883 0.1323 0.0763 0.0203
xgbTree_binning 0.9774 0.938 0.8927 0.8546 0.8129 0.7533 0.6877 0.6341 0.5757 0.5137 0.4553 0.3909 0.317 0.2515 0.1895 0.1359 0.0834 0.0417 0.0119
xgbTree_tuned 0.9583 0.9011 0.8427 0.7962 0.7366 0.6758 0.621 0.5614 0.5006 0.4386 0.3492 0.2872 0.2086 0.1549 0.118 0.0799 0.0358 0.0167 0.0012
xgbTree_RFE 0.9714 0.9321 0.8665 0.8153 0.7557 0.7139 0.6675 0.6007 0.5435 0.4911 0.4184 0.3719 0.3063 0.2253 0.1657 0.1144 0.0667 0.0346 0.0072
glm_stack_baseline 0.9404 0.8772 0.8141 0.7557 0.7092 0.6532 0.615 0.565 0.5256 0.4851 0.4279 0.3766 0.3206 0.2622 0.211 0.1633 0.1359 0.1097 0.0393
glm_stack_clustering 0.9464 0.876 0.8117 0.7628 0.7044 0.646 0.6079 0.5638 0.5173 0.472 0.4124 0.3528 0.3027 0.2598 0.2038 0.1597 0.1323 0.1037 0.0501
glm_stack_binning 0.9416 0.8605 0.789 0.7282 0.683 0.6257 0.5828 0.5411 0.4982 0.4505 0.4064 0.3528 0.3004 0.242 0.1895 0.1442 0.1097 0.0513 0.006
glm_stack_tuned 0.9321 0.8319 0.7771 0.7092 0.6567 0.6114 0.5709 0.5292 0.4863 0.4219 0.3874 0.329 0.2765 0.23 0.1907 0.1418 0.0942 0.0405 0.0072
rf_stack_baseline 0.9535 0.9237 0.8927 0.8427 0.8033 0.758 0.7044 0.6269 0.559 0.4756 0.3993 0.3159 0.2467 0.1943 0.1383 0.0906 0.0381 0.0226 0.0048
rf_stack_clustering 0.9607 0.9297 0.8951 0.857 0.8057 0.7652 0.7008 0.621 0.5387 0.4589 0.3969 0.3099 0.2467 0.1669 0.1132 0.0751 0.0465 0.0191 0.0024
rf_stack_binning 0.9428 0.9106 0.8653 0.8272 0.7747 0.7235 0.6722 0.6198 0.5423 0.466 0.3933 0.3194 0.2503 0.1824 0.1192 0.0703 0.0405 0.0143 0.0072
rf_stack_tuned 0.938 0.8987 0.8677 0.8176 0.7783 0.7187 0.6615 0.5959 0.5185 0.447 0.3766 0.2992 0.2241 0.1609 0.1108 0.0608 0.0286 0.0155 0.0012
xgbTree_stack_baseline 0.9631 0.9404 0.9082 0.8915 0.8474 0.7926 0.7676 0.6734 0.6341 0.4958 0.3862 0.292 0.1979 0.143 0.1216 0.0596 0.0083 0 0
xgbTree_stack_clustering 0.9666 0.9392 0.9106 0.882 0.8439 0.7914 0.7437 0.6734 0.584 0.5221 0.4124 0.3051 0.1943 0.1311 0.093 0.056 0.0024 0 0
xgbTree_stack_binning 0.9726 0.9142 0.8987 0.8379 0.8045 0.7747 0.7032 0.6794 0.5948 0.4756 0.4398 0.2563 0.1812 0.1168 0.0667 0 0 0 0
xgbTree_stack_tuned 0.9607 0.9213 0.8856 0.8236 0.7914 0.7533 0.6841 0.6186 0.5375 0.4636 0.3528 0.2336 0.1824 0.0954 0.0632 0.0262 0.0131 0 0


To display the model results, we also set up a dashboard using shinydashboard.


# Load Packages

# Load Data
results <- readRDS('data/all_real_results.rds')
file_list <- readRDS('data/file_list.rds')

for (m in seq(nrow(file_list))){
    # assign(paste0(file_list[m, 'model_file']), readRDS(file = paste0('data/', file_list[m, 'model_file'], '.rds')))
    assign(paste0(file_list[m, 'cm_file']), readRDS(file = paste0('data/', file_list[m, 'cm_file'], '.rds')))
    assign(paste0(file_list[m, 'roc']), readRDS(file = paste0('data/', file_list[m, 'roc'], '.rds')))
    assign(paste0(file_list[m, 'density']), readRDS(file = paste0('data/', file_list[m, 'density'], '.rds')))

# Define UI for application
ui <- dashboardPage(skin = 'black',
                    dashboardHeader(title = "Models Dashboard"),
                            inputId = 'model',
                            label = 'Model',
                            choices = rownames(results)
                            box(title = 'Confusion Matrix',
                                status = 'info',
                                plotOutput('conf_mat', height = 250)),
                            box(title = 'ROC Curve',
                                status = 'info',
                                plotOutput('roc', height = 250))
                            box(title = 'Density Plot',
                                status = 'info',
                                , width = 12

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
    output$model_file <- reactive({
        results[rownames(results) == input$model, 'File']
    output$sensibility <- renderValueBox({
            value = round(results[rownames(results) == input$model, 'Sensitivity'], 5),
            subtitle = "Sensitivity",
            color = 'yellow',
            icon = icon("sad-cry")
    output$accuracy <- renderValueBox({
            value = round(results[rownames(results) == input$model, 'Accuracy'], 5),
            subtitle = "Accuracy",
            color = 'teal',
            icon = icon("expand")
    output$precision <- renderValueBox({
            value = round(results[rownames(results) == input$model, 'Precision'], 5),
            subtitle = "Precision",
            color = 'teal',
            icon = icon("crosshairs")
    output$recall <- renderValueBox({
            value = round(results[rownames(results) == input$model, 'Specificity'], 5),
            subtitle = "Specificity",
            color = 'teal',
            icon = icon("angle-double-left")
    output$f1 <- renderValueBox({
            value = round(results[rownames(results) == input$model, 'F1 Score'], 5),
            subtitle = "F1 Score",
            color = 'teal',
            icon = icon("flag-checkered")
    output$coef <- renderValueBox({
            value = round(results[rownames(results) == input$model, 'Coefficients'], 5),
            subtitle = "Coefficients",
            color = 'teal',
            icon = icon("calculator")
    output$conf_mat <- renderPlot({
        data <- get(paste0(file_list[rownames(file_list) == input$model, 'cm_file']))
    output$roc <- renderPlot({
        data <- get(paste0(file_list[rownames(file_list) == input$model, 'roc']))
        plot(data , lwd=4)
    output$dens_plot <- renderPlot({
        data <- get(paste0(file_list[rownames(file_list) == input$model, 'density']))

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(height = 500))